1. 8 years ago

    The coords for skykin are in this screenie. -image-

  2. Edited 8 years ago by SymphonicYT

    woops lemme see how to put a photo

  3. Deleted 8 years ago by WBlaine
  4. You need to upload the image on an image sharing site such as imgur, then you get the BBC code after you upload it and post that here.

  5. -image-

  6. mk

  7. Rip

  8. rip that base

  9. Rip your chances of finding a new faction to join :P

  10. At least its not their main base :P
    Good try Cutebot xD

  11. it isnt their main base? awwww

  12. Edited 8 years ago by ghostassasin81

    well @Cutebot me and a friend raided your butt the other day

  13. cutebot you just ruined any chance of you joining a faction, you should have gathered a force through private messages

  14. that's why you seen me there

  15. rip noobish base, it will be remembered

  16. sorry @thegoldsmith I figured something was wrong with base

  17. im just seriously hoping that it is not whos base i think it is

  18. Edited 8 years ago by ghostassasin81

    jellybeanblue and frostfoxhd lived there also @thegoldsmith

  19. well as part of the Sky Kin they will always have a base to go to

  20. the good news is he was raided before cords were put out

  21. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    were they actually there? @ghostassasin81 at the time?

  22. only @Cutebot was and we got good stuff from it

  23. @ghostassasin81 the good news is he was raided before cords were put out

    great news lol

  24. @Cileklim it is actually good news i means that they would have had a small window of opportunity to salvage and collect what ever they had hidden

  25. its a bad idea to leak the coords first then raid, they can move the stuff out first.

  26. Luckily I was tped to the base once before so that's how I got coords

  27. im not going to pretend this has not happened or that i think it is agreeable but im confused at the whole releasing the coordinates thing, why do that if you have already taken any decent stuff in there

  28. well he was a nub to believe me

  29. either way doesn't change the fact that the base was raided and the location is now unusable because of this thread

  30. well I made this tread useless before it was put up @thegoldsmith

  31. OK ok shut up i dont want to join youre nub factions anyways

  32. @Cutebot these this faction is one of the larger groups on the server, and they have alliances with other groups... just because the faction is peaceful doesnt mean that all the members are, or that some of those allies are itching for a long easy war and will take any excuse to start it.

  33. @ardoasms @Cutebot these this faction is one of the larger groups on the server, and they have alliances with other groups... just because the faction is peaceful doesnt mean that all the members are, or that some of those allies are itching for a long easy war and will take any excuse to start it.

    plus by your attitude and general demeanour it seems like you don't have much in way of allies who would stand by you

  34. Cutebot is a total dweeb.

  35. @Captain_Mitchell Cutebot is a total dweeb.

    hes scared of me like I really suck at pvp to

  36. He begging for coals yesterday. I gave him 3. Hes so happy.

  37. @Blackfish_ He begging for coals yesterday. I gave him 3. Hes so happy.

    You gave 3?? I was planning to give him like 10 blocks just so he can shut up and stop begging for it. Welp luckily your were faster than me, else my coals will go to waste :P

  38. Ikr lol

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