Staff Applications The Staff Missed

  1. 8 years ago

    After scrounging through some dead posts, I found two staff applications that were missed. I'd like to bump them, but I can't b/c I'm not staff.

  2. Who said they were missed? Me? @BaronBattleBread ? @rnc2011 ? @iclutchHD ? @Nysic ? @CraftyMyner ?

    I assure you, we have eyes. We read every post.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by TheBlizWiz

    :( @Blackened_Dawn

    I just thought you missed them because there wasn't a reply. That's all. I just wanted to point out something someone put their time in that was missed. I had good intentions.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    @TheBlizWiz if you click the application tab, you can see that all dont have a reply. Staff will only reply if requirements are not met.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by TheBlizWiz

    @Blackened_Dawn @TheBlizWiz if you click the application tab, you can see that all dont have a reply. Staff will only reply if requirements are not met.


    Dawn came.

    Dawn saw.

    Dawn REKT'D


  7. Edited 8 years ago by TheBlizWiz


    @cepheid Thank you. I needed that.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by Yelloms


    Lol I clicked it, the nearest one to me is a 6 hour drive. I think it is time I stop using gasoline and fire crackers to start my wood stove every night.

  9. @Yelloms Lol I clicked it, the nearest one to me is a 6 hour drive. I think it is time I stop using gasoline and fire crackers to start my wood stove every night.

    i'm actually a little concerned for your safety ;P

  10. Edited 8 years ago by cepheid

    @Yelloms using gasoline and fire crackers to start my wood stove


  11. @TheBlizWiz @Blackened_Dawn

    Dawn came.

    Dawn saw.

    Dawn REKT'D

    *in the National Geographic narrator voice again*

    The wild Dawn experience allowed it to easily take down it's target, ravaging it with a fiery attack.

  12. it wasn't difficult it's just the truth

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