Counting Crafty's Pizzas

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    I missed most of a study period for this victory ;-;

  3. Good job!

  4. I thought we would've gotten to at least 1,000 by now...

  5. @misterkickman I missed most of a study period for this victory ;-;

    #wurth ahaha

    pretty sure i missed an pre-exam revision session for the first one >.<

  6. 4

  7. 5

  8. 6

  9. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    7.. wait what lol


    How many pizzas did we count so far?

  10. 3

  11. wow a mod playing as a member, cool, keep it on cellexya!


  12. 5

  13. 5

  14. 6

  15. *Screams internally and externally*

  16. no more -_-

  17. ya'll admins are from now on on diet

  18. 4

  19. 5

  20. 6

  21. 7

  22. Newer ›

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