Ill buy fort3
Ill buy fort3
Your order is ready for pickup @Retrochewy
Done! Tysm for the book Cell!
Prices adjusted.
@Cellexya Prices adjusted.
Nice! I think the prices are as fair as I've seen so far!
God sets, god swords, and god picks added.
Ill buy a god sword, deliver it when I get enough dias, also rename it to (No comment) and I will pay an additional diamond
As in No Comment or with the parentheses like (No Comment)?
Actually name it ERROR 404
Sword names in caps are not allowed, choose something else please.
Error 404?
That's fine
You don't accept emmies?
I don't.
@Jordi223b You don't accept emmies?
I feel like mojang attempted to emulate money with emeralds but they failed so hard due to it.
no emmies? well im not making any big farms then, i'll just go try to get all the diamonds i can and build in any other time, which won't be much, guess i'll just become a miner, at least it'll be cheaper to make beacon pyramids now emeralds are gonna be super cheap
@Mytymj no emmies?
The reason I don't accept emmies is because I have WAY to many, I have my own auto farms and a personal farmer villager. Accepting emmies wouldn't benefit me since I turn the diamonds I get paid right back into god gear.
@Cellexya The reason I don't accept emmies is because I have WAY to many, I have my own auto farms and a personal farmer villager. Accepting emmies wouldn't benefit me since I turn the diamonds I get paid right back into god gear.
Are emmies even useful to you at this point?
@Grinning_Bobcat Are emmies even useful to you at this point?
Only to buy the books
@Cellexya I have enough dias for dat god sword now