Cellexya's Assorted Goods

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    @Cellexya Kb or no?

    got it from ceph

  3. @Retrochewy

    God sets include:

    •Helmet: Respiration III, Aqua Affinity, Mending, Protection IV, and Unbreaking III
    •Chest Piece: Protection IV, Mending, Unbreaking III, Thorns III(only if specified(also a typo))
    •Leggings: Protection IV, Mending, Unbreaking III
    •Boots: Frost Walker or Depth Strider III, Feather Falling IV, Protection IV, Mending, Unbreaking III

    theres no thorns III
    I am ordering one godset
    will be on 3PM-5PM EST tomorrow

  4. Edited 8 years ago by Cellexya


  5. @Cellexya -image-

    oh will u be on tomorrow tho?

  6. if I don't fill it @cepheid will, also thorns or no, and depth or frost walker?

  7. @Cellexya -image-

    *never got thorns 3 on his armor set but let it slide* can it be added onto it or do I have to buy a new chest plate?

  8. Thorns III isn't standard, if you want it on your set, you have to request it. I, however sell thorns III books as stated above for 5 diamonds

  9. Can I buy a depth strider god set with no thorns? Will get after school at around 3:30 PM PST

  10. @Cellexya if I don't fill it @cepheid will, also thorns or no, and depth or frost walker?

    i want depth strider but not thorns

  11. last year

    Shop is back up, see edit to original post for updated stock and legacy shop for memory's sake

  12. God damn those are good prices.

  13. @Th3GreenGamer Prices are exceptionally high considering how much more scarce diamonds and etc are. Crop prices are great though!


  14. Edited last year by j____a____r____d

    WoW yOu ArE rIpPiNg PeOpLe OfF wItH tHoSe ScAm PrIcEs YaLl LoVe BeInG oVeRpRiCeD!!!!

    YoU sHoUlD sElL 1000000 BoOks for 1 dIrT

  15. @j____a____r____d WoW yOu ArE rIpPiNg PeOpLe OfF wItH tHoSe ScAm PrIcEs YaLl LoVe BeInG oVeRpRiCeD!!!!

    YoU sHoUlD sElL 1000000 BoOks for 1 dIrT

    EaT mY JoRTs

  16. I would like to order 2 unbreaking III and 2 mending books, thx in advance :)

  17. @Glumac777 I would like to order 2 unbreaking III and 2 mending books, thx in advance :)

    Ready whenever you see me on

  18. All villager enchant books available now

  19. I'll be happy to buy a few more books whenever you're on

  20. Edited last year by Nicnicnico

    i'd like to purchase 64 shulker shells. Is there room for negotiation for a bulk order?

  21. @Nicnicnico i'd like to purchase 64 shulker shells. Is there room for negotiation for a bulk order?

    I don't sell shells but other people have a farm and are selling for 1d for a stack. Probably best to buy in bulk from them.

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