Thank You Craftymynes

  1. 8 years ago

    I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank the whole community for everything you all do. Whether you are staff or players, whether you even saw me or not. I've been struggling personally and medically for the last year, 2016 has been hands down my worst year in almost 27 years of life. I don't want to get into any details but needless to say depression was a huge part of it. About 6 months ago I lost all hope as my doctor took me out of work and I instead got to spend all day everyday at home ( not fun after 4-5 days ). Needless to say I spiraled downwards. However a short time after I was stuck at home, I found the most amazing Minecraft server ever, Craftymynes. Never before have I found somewhere, online or irl, where I can share my interests with people. Even just being able to chat and play with other things happening around me, others in the chat having amazing often hilarious conversations or trying to start a faction with @MrStupendous. In the short time I have been among you all, I've truly felt accepted and that I had a fair shot at anything. Finally I can say with a smile on my face that I can see a light at the end of my tunnel, or the silver lining if you prefer. The last few weeks I haven't been online much, as I was attending a lot of appointments and was left exhausted. The good news though is that my doctor has finally allowed me to return to work, albeit part time only to start. So going forward I still wont be online as much as before but more than the last few weeks. I hope to expand our faction and I have some big plans I would like to try.
    In conclusion I would like to give a HUGE heartfelt thank you to everyone who plays on Craftymynes. Also a special thank you to some people that made my experience even more exceptional than I could have imagined. So @Quadelet, @2Chill, @Nysic, @s2green, @rnc2011 ( absolutely love Doctor Who), @cepheid, and anyone I may be forgetting to mention ( so many people here have made a difference, I can't possibly list them all). And the biggest thank you I can muster goes directly to you Mr. @CraftyMyner, for building such an amazing and inclusive place for us all to play and hang out together. :D

    Sorry if this has been to long but I honestly have been dying to say this for at least a week, I actually left a lot out. Please keep up the great work staff and keep enjoying life and everything that Craftymynes does for us.

    Thank you all again, and hope to see you online,

  2. Hello Blue ,
    I am happy to hear you have been enjoying the experience here and hope you continue to do so ,i know me and nysic have spoken personally about that great feeling of knowing you are making others a bit more cheerful in maybe a not so great place or point in their lives . We really appreciate the fact you took the time to acknowledge the work that goes into the server not only by the staff , Owner but the community also , As i have said before without such a great community there would not be a need for staff .
    p.s. be careful of those rail cart rides that run off cliff :P

  3. ^^

    so glad to have you around blue

  4. I can't tell you how happy reading this made me! I am so glad that we were able to help in any way. I have thoroughly enjoyed playing with you on the server and I look forward to continuing! =D

  5. Hey Blue,

    A long time ago I was in a terrible place, I never talked to anyone and getting up to go to school was an impossible task. I started this server halfway through my grade 12 year and immediately I saw how powerful a community of like minded people could be. I began to get excited to get up and even more so to talk to complete strangers online (which trickled into talking to people in real life). My grades went from barely passing with C-'s to achieving some of the highest marks in the class with my worst mark being a B+ and everything else an A or higher. This server has taught me so much in the last few years, it has developed me as a person, showed me responsibility. However, most importantly CraftyMynes has given me something to wake up for (and stay up for hours until I pass out from exhaustion). I'm glad that the effort I, the staff and the community have put in has benefited at least one person.

  6. Sorry for the meme, it was rude of me.

  7. You're welcome

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