12 db for the head
12 db for the Elytra.
Prices can be negotiated.
12 db for the head
12 db for the Elytra.
Prices can be negotiated.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive, db are rarer than they used to be lol
@Kinkybobo Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive, db are rarer than they used to be lol
Haha... I agree.
But, look at Danny's and Rybye's prices. Comparatively I'm cheap!
@Jordi223b As far as I know, they haven't sold much
I've sold 20 Elytras almost
Why don't you just look at the price for the wings at spawn? Much more cheaper.
are you selling the egg?
Who has the egg tho?
but ender dragon heads are found on the same endship where you would find an elytra so they are overpriced
@Sebyo but ender dragon heads are found on the same endship where you would find an elytra so they are overpriced
You can get elytra by voting dragon heads you can't so therefore they are not overpriced
Why is there even demand for such a pointless item... Elytra I can understand, but dragon heads? Really? I get that they are rare but still... They don't do anything! lol
@_Haxington_ Why is there even demand for such a pointless item... Elytra I can understand, but dragon heads? Really? I get that they are rare but still... They don't do anything! lol
A mob head that goes nom nom nom what's not to love?!
Prices ARE negotiable :P
what are danny and rybyes prices exactly? i just cant see dragon heads or elytra going for more than like 10db tops? at least i wouldnt pay more than that... its more work to find that many diamonds than it is to go out and find end cities lol
@Kinkybobo what are danny and rybyes prices exactly? i just cant see dragon heads or elytra going for more than like 10db tops? at least i wouldnt pay more than that... its more work to find that many diamonds than it is to go out and find end cities lol
Elytra 29 db
Head 40 db
Elytra 30 db
@Kinkybobo what are danny and rybyes prices exactly? i just cant see dragon heads or elytra going for more than like 10db tops? at least i wouldnt pay more than that... its more work to find that many diamonds than it is to go out and find end cities lol
I disagree
but that's ok :)
@OtherGreenGamer Rybye:
Elytra 29 db
Head 40 dbDanny:
Elytra 30 db
Remember to buy from me my elytra are cheaper than Danny's
lol, good job advertising on someone else's shop thread you guys...
I base price wise from the laat server and how much i sold them then
Prices updated