Name and Skin

  1. 8 years ago

    Hello everyone a lot of people have confusing names and skins and I would like to know the orgin of them.
    State the reason for your name and state the reason for your skin.
    Name explanation: I live on Gilbert Street
    Skin explanation: Always had a fondness for cacti, made it myself and like it.

  2. Pretty cool!

    One day I got pretty bored. I decided to make an all black skin, throw a filter on there, and add eyes. That's how I got the skin.

    As for my name, I'll have to let you figure that out on your own. (Or someone else can comment on it, whether they actually know what it means or not :P)

  3. Reason for name: Name I came up with on the fly out of no where for not much reason either

    Skin: I change it regularly but transfer the head so it's still me but with a different look. Atm I've got 3 skins, The original, blue winter Eskimo coat, and Robbie Rotten cause memes

  4. ITLG stands for the Irish Technology Leadership Group

  5. ILTG stands for I Love This Game.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer

    My name is pretty weird. Long story short, used to keep a 'lucky' bag of chips on my pocket a while back and so people called me chips. The other part is cause why not ? :P

    My skin is supposed to look like me, but earlier I added a mask from one of my favorite games. Spooki.

    (° ͜ʖ °)

  7. Deleted 8 years ago by Fingerbib
  8. Name: I was 8 and couldn't come up with a better name, and i've gotten attached to it since.
    Skin: I really like the steampunk theme.

  9. @gilbertboys ITLG stands for the Irish Technology Leadership Group

    I'm 100% certain that's what it stands for!

  10. Name: Something i came up with in fifth grade because i had a blank sheet of paper and an extra hour after exams. I just constantly added more syllables and letters until i got this.

    Skin: A skin i grabbed a while back when i was breeding horses and i felt like a scientist. It just stuck.

  11. I wanted an original skin for Pimpcy ( Since I was using a generic link skin with pink eyes) bugged me for years
    I still wanted it to be inspired from our hylian hero but in my own character form, mainly so I wouldn't be drawing link all the time when referring to myself. I'm a free elf now

    Pimpcy is a mix of Pimp and my real name Macy It's an undying inside joke of me being the pimp in the group so it's always in a username for me, ( Pimp juice is also the best meme ever.)

  12. My name's a cross between my real name James and bonbon with an L thrown in there for aesthetics.

    My current skin is just pretty much what I look like irl.
    All my older skins were vocaloid bc yayy vocaloid

  13. Edited 8 years ago by Dennari43

    My name is a reference to the old roman currency denarius or denarii cause I collect coins from around the world. The number 43 is a weird combination of 23 and 42, which comes from the Numbers on Lost. btw my name is in no way reference to Daenery, which a lot of people think. I don't even watch Game of Thrones. :/

    For my skin, I wanted something tough looking, Asssassin's Creed/pirate like, but also something cute, so I custom made a skin and after years of tweaking colors and improving it, I eventually got this.

  14. Edited 8 years ago by blazehunterhp

    name: i was sitting behind the computer and i was thinking" i want a cool name" so i thought "blaze!' but blaze is not "cool" so i've added "hunter" behind it but "blazehunter" was already used so i've added "2004" behind it.

    skin: i was searching on Google for skins and i found this one, its a teenage boy with blue jacket, its cool!. It doesn't look like me IRL

  15. I like the sound of the name Jericho and randomly just came out with Herko.

    Apparently its some sort of Dutch name?

    I have found nobody with the name Herko. If you search it you will find me.

    Skin is just a random warlord

  16. I always use the Dunmer in The Elder Scrolls, and I like ravens, everything else is self evident.

  17. My name was a random suggestion on Xbox when I was creating my account for the first time, when the xbox 360 was a new console. I didn't like it at first but it started to stick later on in the years. As for my current skin, its a combination of my creation(the head) and a old xbox minecraft skin...

  18. i chose my skin cause it looks like me

  19. My name came from years ago when I could not think of a good name. I was thinking and thinking of veriations of the name "Ben" and thought of "Benjo" which immediately caused me think of "Banjo" and so I became "BenjoBanjo" the 7 at the end is just a lucky number I chose. The thing on the end changes. On steam it is "Benjobanjo13" and on minecraft it used to be "BenjoBanjoIsCool" which I regretted.

    My skin is just a Link skin I found. It was supposed to be a hyrule warriors, christmas skin, but I do not think that I will change it.

  20. My name came from the fact that in Skyrim i spent all my time making and enchanting gold jewelry. ( obtaining gold through the transmute spell)

    i wanted my skin to disorientate people and it does as no one can tell if i am facing them or not if i have nothing in my hands. i get far to many laughs out of some of the messages ive had whispered to me about that

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