bye now ya'll

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Pimpcy

    oml, No lmao

    There's a reason why I only quoted that one phrase I found it hilarious, him getting so mad and misspelling names
    If I meant everything he said or done I would of quoted the whole thing that lords work phrase was sarcasm to my humor

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HaloNest

    He's 51 and in his application he wasn't even serious

  4. Anyone have his head?

  5. @GrinningBobcat Anyone have his head?

    no need to embarace him with his head or anything... he did the wrong thing and that's it no need to keep it up

  6. @HaloNest no need to embarace him with his head or anything... he did the wrong thing and that's it no need to keep it up

    Keep it around as a momento and reminded of this situation lol.

  7. @GrinningBobcat Keep it around as a momento and reminded of this situation lol.

    As a momento? Do you even know what a "momento" is

  8. @HaloNest
    an object kept as a reminder or souvenir of a person or event.
    He used the word correctly bud.

  9. @Rybye @HaloNest
    an object kept as a reminder or souvenir of a person or event.
    He used the word correctly bud.

    I know my English

  10. Edited 8 years ago by Rybye

    @GrinningBobcat I know my English

    I was correcting him not you

  11. @Rybye Ok?

    Not directed at you. Just proving myself to being able to speak English properly.

  12. @_Confederacy_ Joins server...

    Applies for staff...

    Insults staff because reasons...


    The lol is real

  13. Good riddance

  14. @Rybye @HaloNest
    an object kept as a reminder or souvenir of a person or event.
    He used the word correctly bud.

    First off it is mo•men•to and not me•men•to, it comes from Italian so I might know a little bit better my language than you bud

  15. From Wikitionary:

    momento ‎(plural momentoes)

    1. Misspelling of memento.

  16. @HaloNest First off it is mo•men•to and not me•men•to, it comes from Italian so I might know a little bit better my language than you bud

    Wrong. It most definitely is memento.

  17. halo, just because a word from 2 languages sound similar doesnt mean they have a simliar meaning, hell even 2 words of english that sound similar can mean completely different things

  18. @ardoasms


    genes, jeans

  19. @HaloNest First off it is mo•men•to and not me•men•to, it comes from Italian so I might know a little bit better my language than you bud

    Why do you even bother?

  20. I like how this derailed from being about jericho to just grammar.

  21. @HaloNest First off it is mo•men•to and not me•men•to, it comes from Italian so I might know a little bit better my language than you bud

    i just did some rigorous research (clicking around on wikitionary)

    From the Latin mementō ‎(“remember”), imperative form of meminī ‎(“I remember”).

    From Proto-Italic memonai.

    Proto-Italic languages are a highly base form of languages like Latin and the subsequent romance languages. Italian came long after the branch-off of memento.


  22. Newer ›

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