Buying VIP please <3

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Shiba_Ina

    Hiii ^-^/

    Me and my friends are trying to buy VIP. Like with game stuffs.
    We have diamond blocks and emmie blocks, slime blocks, dragon heads [and maybe a few other heads], elytras, shulker shells and boxes, god armour or weapons, and all kinds of other things =)

    If you wanna help us please, can you tell us here or write me a pm with what you’d like to have? I’ll write you a pm too. It’s for banana =)

  2. So you are givin away blocks for VIP? Soviet might be able to hook you up if that's the case.

  3. So you are givin away blocks for VIP?

    Yup! We wanna sell all kinds of valuable things. Like all what people might think is worth helping us out :)
    Right now I’m just looking for one VIP, but altogether we need two.

    Soviet might be able to hook you up if that's the case.

    Hehe, would be super nice if he did^^

    Or anyone! <3

  4. Yes Soviet sells VIP and VIP+ for several stacks of diamond blocks, last I checked anyway

  5. Thats really overpriced, if u r kid just ask yer mum to do odd jobs around the house and maybe youll get monnies after 1 month

  6. @gilbertboys Thats really overpriced, if u r kid just ask yer mum to do odd jobs around the house and maybe youll get monnies after 1 month

    When your parents are skeptical about online stores and the risk of getting their credit card info compromised then you don't exactly get to do that.

  7. Overpriced depends on buyer, real money holds much more value than any in game currency

  8. @Cellexya Overpriced depends on buyer, real money holds much more value than any in game currency

    And that value of RL currency depends on the seller, my dear :). What we buy is time saved. My time to play games is very limited. What would be the price of 3 coffees could save me hours of sitting on the comp trying to gather resources (usually dying a lot instead though).

  9. Edited 8 years ago by Shiba_Ina

    Someone has bought me VIP for banana! I’m so happy! \^-^/

    Thank youuu <3

  10. Locked upon request

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