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    Edited 8 years ago by gilbertboys

    Quick everyone! What is your opinion on designer babies/ genetic engineering on humans!
    I think it could backfire and ruin everything by creating new terrible genetic disorders but could be super useful in curing everything from color blindness to huntington's disease. In the future I think designer babies benefit the world though if only some people have them [certain countries, upper classes etc] are able to use such services it could create big divides between rich and poor and mess up a lot of things.
    Overall I think it would be a benefit but need to be handled carefully.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @Dennari43 Good way to break rules if we start talking about different kinds of religions and belief systems. I advice not doing so, unless it's just a general outlook on life. And our bias shouldn't have anything to do with a thread about discussing different views of things. Everyone has a bias and pinpointing it will just allow others to brush off certain views because they don't agree with or like someone's "bias." As long as the claim is legitimate, they have no reason to announce their personal beliefs if they don't want to.

    Fair enough

  4. @gilbertboys Quick everyone! What is your opinion on designer babies/ genetic engineering on humans!
    I think it could backfire and ruin everything by creating new terrible genetic disorders but could be super useful in curing everything from color blindness to huntington's disease. In the future I think designer babies benefit the world though if only some people have them [certain countries, upper classes etc] are able to use such services it could create big divides between rich and poor and mess up a lot of things.
    Overall I think it would be a benefit but need to be handled carefully.

    I mean it's on how willing we are willing to accept the idea because of the ethnics behind it, same thing with stem cell research. It's a step in humanity like any other, a double edge sword that can swing one way for good and another way for bad.

    Pro: Cures for disorders and stronger immunities from genetic editing

    Con: Genetically stronger designed soldiers, (Their existence having the purpose given to them by the people that edited their genetics)

  5. Interpretation is also not anything factual, it's entirely opinionated. And genuine or not, it doesn't prove the point I am making. If you do a little more research that isn't directed exactly at the outcome you want and you'll see unbiased research. And there have been plenty of studies to solve whether animals can have deep thoughts. Some are to a degree aware of themselves, but there requires a higher brain function to think critically. And I don't mean instinctual or survivalistic problem solving like using rocks or twigs to open food and things like that. I mean critical thinking, deep-seated thought processes that are not evident in animal brains. There's a lot stopping animals from being higher creatures like humans. They are limited by their brains which are all underdeveloped in comparison to a human one. Or, throw science aside for a second, and just take the observation that humans are the dominant beings on the earth and despite what the "Plant of the Apes" movies told us, monkeys will never grow to our level of intelligence and be equal to us in brain capacity and power. But believe what you want, cause there will always be people out there trying to prove otherwise. So no matter how long this goes on for, there will be people backing both of our points up. Lets just leave it at that and move on, cause nothing good is going to come out of this particular discussion.

    It's not about what good it provides it's what the topic spurs. I understand your point and fully accept it, but is it wrong to wonder if some animals are capable of deeper thought like ours in the slightest degree?

  6. @GrinningBobcat It's not about what good it provides it's what the topic spurs. I understand your point and fully accept it, but is it wrong to wonder if some animals are capable of deeper thought like ours in the slightest degree?

    No, it's not wrong. It's good we wonder about things like that, weird ideas and functions we don't 100 percent understand. It shows our passion and desire to learn about what we don't fully know.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by gilbertboys

    Would you rather kill 11 90 year olds or 1 9 year old?

  8. Edited 8 years ago by Pimpcy

    What's your view of life? It can be something of pure admiration or your worst nightmare, It's the things here and there that are worth the trip

    Are you ready for death? I'm not satisfied yet so no

    How in tune are we with our world? Everyone has their personal view on the world so if you mean in a general sense not very well for me personally

    What do you define as respect? Respect is like any other word that commonly stretches You can be passionate with the existence of something or you cant abide by it politely. Sometimes you're forced in a public sense.

    Can you respect an enemy not personally unless they pose a threat to myself or loved ones I could care less of an enemies existence or well being tbh

    What's a person worth? Depends on the bond, connection, or pity you have with them
    An animal? Depends on the bond, connection, or pity you have with them
    An enemy? Not worth my time when more important figures need my attention
    Lover? A true lovers worth is priceless Nothing can compare and nothing can compete.

    Where do you think society and humanity is going? I can't wait to have an Iphone implanted in my ass

  9. Pimp y did u leave habibi?

  10. I came back for u gilbert

  11. :]

  12. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @Pimpcy I came back for u gilbert


  13. @GrinningBobcat



  14. @Pimpcy -image-
    Yeee that's right :3

  15. What's your view of life? Nothing we do matters, so why be upset about it? (nihilism for the win!)

    Are you ready for death? No, I can't face eternity yet.

    How in tune are we with our world? N/A

    What do you define as respect? Respect is a sense of belonging, a bond, with someone.

    Can you respect an enemy? No, I'm a vengeful person

    What's a person worth? An animal? An enemy? Lover? Life is priceless

    Where do you think society and humanity is going? All humanity is doing is driving the earth closer and closer to death. Judgement day will come soon enough

  16. nihilism for the win

    That's got a name?!?! Lit Now I'm Nihilistic kinda Ig lol sure

  17. No, I can't face eternity yet

    Where life's energy flows it takes me with it, I don't mind being cut short but it'd be a little disappointing I didn't get to last long

  18. Q:Can you respect an enemy?
    A: As long there's a choice, there will be many options. No one will ever get past an enemy without respecting that enemy. There's no such thing as an enemy that you don't respect. I'll tell you why.
    First of all, deep in your heart you acknowledge your enemy. Let's take sports as an example.
    When you play with your opponent, you take into consideration in their skills. In football, when someone makes a touchdown, you will want to make sure that you'll be better the next time around so they won't make another score. As a result, you've come to respect their skills and that made you push to do better.
    When it comes to boxing, you know that you have to have endurance and power. Even if you're enemy has none of that, you'll strive to make your enemy better so they can have endurance and power. That's my way of thinking. If someone can't beat me, I'll make sure I'll push them hard enough; then the next time they fight me or play against me, they'll think of a different strategy and do better than they did. While doing so, I've given them my respect.

  19. Q: Are you ready for death?
    Well, I'm not ready for death; but I know that in the end, death will be ready for me (deep shit bro). I still have a lot to do and if I were to die now, I'd hate myself even after I've died. I don't wanna die without any worth. I know I've got worth but I'm talking about a different worth. I want people to know that I'm an amazing person and that I can be their role model. I believe that I've accomplished being a role model for someone but I wanna be a role model for the future generation.
    If I were to die, I'd feel disappointed because the future has so much to offer. The future is shaped by the past therefore I wanna make sure that the future is a fantastic one for the future generation. I don't want to leave them in poverty.
    No I'm not ready for death.

  20. Sorry this died for a bit guys I had a busy week I'm back ^_^

  21. "I can't wait to have an Iphone implanted in my ass" @Pimpcy -2017

    Never gonna let that died name

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