Retrochewy's Registered list of trusty people

  1. 7 years ago

    All the admins

    Not Trusty:
    all of team eye except 2chill cuz he cant raid
    Fluxated (Phluxated)

  2. Blesian

    24 Mar 2017 Suspended

    Are you thick in the head? a) i'm not phluxated b) we literally use to raid together, good list moron

  3. Wow where are 99% of the other regular players on this list?

  4. Edited 7 years ago by Rybye

    Everyone is copying me, please be creative and make a post that is either funny or meaningful such as Rybye's Registered Raiders which is both funny and meaningful. . Also one more thing everyone making these lists still put registered in the title and it looks very stupid when it says "Registered list"

  5. Edited 7 years ago by Mayorga

    so many rip offs of @Rybye 's thread

  6. @Mayorga so many rip offs of @Rybye 's thread


    Where am I in all of this man!

  7. I'm the most trustworthy person ever

  8. Edited 7 years ago by HaloNest

    Why am I in the list, I only kill noobs to get cool heads, that means you consider yourself a noob

  9. @HaloNest Why am I in the list, I only kill boobs to get cool heads, that means you consider yourself a noob

    Nice typo

  10. Really, I'm not a rider or anything

  11. Am I not to be trusted?

  12. No

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