Trading CraftyCredits!!!

  1. 7 years ago

    A while ago a player asked if I could add the ability for players to exchange CraftyCredits. It's been a while since then and I'm glad to say you can now trade CraftyCredits in the trading post!

    You can trade in 1x, 10x, and 100x increments. Right click the sign of your choice and it will transfer however many credits to the other player. Credits are pulled from your balance and do not affect your total credits/votes.


    - Crafty

  2. @CraftyMyner A while ago a player asked if I could add the ability for players to exchange CraftyCredits. It's been a while since then and I'm glad to say you can now trade CraftyCredits in the trading post!

    You can trade in 1x, 10x, and 100x increments. Right click the sign of your choice and it will transfer however many credits to the other player. Credits are pulled from your balance and do not affect your total credits/votes.


    - Crafty

    You would think a vanilla server would run out of things to add, but no, crafty is on the case. Good work I think this an awesome improvement! ;)

  3. @STRANGER_ You would think a vanilla server would run out of things to add, but no, crafty is on the case. Good work I think this an awesome improvement! ;)

    Thanks! I am always coming up with new things for players to do to keep it interesting!

  4. i am so glad you added this feature ty

  5. If i want to transfer 30 do i click 3 times on the 10x? or transfer each 10 alone?

  6. What does everyone think each credit will be worth in diamonds?

  7. @Carl_Sagan1 If i want to transfer 30 do i click 3 times on the 10x? or transfer each 10 alone?

    Each click sends 10 credits so click it 3 times sends 30 credits.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by thegoldsmith

    @STRANGER_ What does everyone think each credit will be worth in diamonds?

    remember the fact that the credits can be gained everyday over a long period of time so their individual value will be very low but the price of elytra will have to be taken into account....

    p.s. @CraftyMyner awesome addition :)

  9. Edited 7 years ago by Carl_Sagan1

    @STRANGER_ What does everyone think each credit will be worth in diamonds?

    I think 10 credit should worth 1 db or more

  10. Elytra=4DB
    100/36=Roughly 3
    3 CraftyCredit= 1 diamond

  11. @Retrochewy Elytra=4DB
    100/36=Roughly 3
    3 CraftyCredit= 1 diamond

    Ok thanks for doing the math, since it's been a while since I played I wasn't sure what things were worth. :)

  12. hang on, @CraftyMyner , what are craftycredits?

  13. @hopping25 hang on, @CraftyMyner , what are craftycredits?

    CraftyCredit is a form of currency. You can use it to purchase Elytra's and other stuff.

  14. Cool, how do i get some?
    I've been off for a while.

  15. @hopping25 Cool, how do i get some?
    I've been off for a while.

    You vote!

  16. Voting or trading with players!

  17. You can also use it for warps.

  18. Thank you.

  19. @hopping25 Thank you.

    No problem!

  20. Deleted 6 years ago by Compos
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