Harvestar news! Team eye raided!

  1. 8 years ago

    What an interesting week it has been! And by interesting, I mean not at all :\. That is until we got cords to team eyes base!
    Thanks for the armor, I hear prot 4 is in season.
    One of oolfa's heads from the base.
    And a group picture of the raiders themselves!
    We would've gotten more loot if members of team eye hadn't shown up, which reminds me. Let us have a moment of silence for Masa and her beloved sword, which died at the base.
    Ok, that got boring (jk). We still managed to get some loot out of the base which is always nice. 1 thing we didn't do however is grief the base. I don't mind raiding people, but I won't grief something that obviously took some time to make. But because Masu did die over there, Ill let the griefing be done by some one else, cords are at the bottom v. I assure there is still plenty of stuff to get from there, unless team eye moves it, so make haste. Have fun.

    Now after discussing that I feel this next topic is gonna be overshadowed. but the arena is almost complete!
    Now I still gotta spruce up the top because I'm oaking that it will look birching when its finished, get it!... ok ill see myself out after this. But hopefully with some of the new loot, it will be done tonight. :D

    That about covers this update, don't forget to read up on the rules of Harvestar if your interested in joining right here.
    And if for some reason the pictures don't load up, here is a link to the album.

    Gotta run now as I have plans to draw up, houses to build, and a faction to worry about, I think they may be a little upset :S
    BoneChi11er signing off!

  2. Almost forgot....
    The cords to Team eye's hideout is -65402/11/39643

  3. Deleted 8 years ago by r4iscool1
  4. Edited 8 years ago by Valgys

    Looks like you guys had some fun! Any additional details to share? I'm curious about who else from Team Eye came to the defense. I guess I'm half-hoping it was more than KingJrod. Something about the idea of one player from them coming in to single handedly repel you guys is a little scary, but not shocking.

    Also, I'm a little surprised to hear this coming from the Harvestar guild. I thought your charter forbade raiding as well as griefing. Plus, revealing coordinates is akin to griefing so you kinda broke both both your rules. Not that I care one way or the other, but I do like consistency in organizations... Makes things more predictable.

  5. We forbid griefing and raiding within our own base, but we don't care what you do outside of it, besides I'm not the only one who knew the cords. Also flowerly logged in which got us scared, and then king came in.

  6. All the Harvesters got was 2 inventories worth. lol

  7. tsu

    8 Apr 2016 Suspended

    Ahaha what a joke. You guys don't even know how to execute a raid! Hope you enjoy your 1 set of p4 bruh great raid

  8. as a previous member of a large hoarder guild, 2 invintories can be quite impactful, as well as the fact that a single player (i speak from experiance) is fully capable of defending their base and taking on half a dozen others simultaniously, and win out.

    *eats popcorn* its been a while since we had a good faction V faction V faction going.. :) its nice to see the community being a community

  9. Tsu you're not even in a guild why do you care?

  10. tsu

    8 Apr 2016 Suspended

    I'm not even in a guild?

    1. A guild? What?
    2. Who even are you


  11. @tsu I'm not even in a guild?

    1. A guild? What?
    2. Who even are you


    1. Guild, faction, whatever, same thing.
    2. ur a nub

    gud job dice u shrekt him bb <3

  13. @Dice_Boken fight tsu if he is a "nub" then?

  14. Came back for some more stuff, and brought more friends...
    I even got my own oolfa head.

  15. tsu

    8 Apr 2016 Suspended

    young man you're a rando lmao @Dice_Boken

  16. This aint Assassians Creed dice.

  17. Sorry for posting that twice. It was lag. Hit button once.

  18. tsu

    8 Apr 2016 Suspended

    grats to @BoneChi11er for his first raid, too bad we had a 20 minute head start to hide all our stuff :0

  19. I missed out on all the fun :(

  20. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    Actually, Masa and i had some extra time to fill our echest with loot so...

  21. Newer ›

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