Okay so I really need to practice drawing large groups of people / animals while keeping proportions in check. I was kind of hoping maybe you guys could help me out? By that I mean I'll be drawing anybody who comments that they want to be drawn.
Thank you to the 20 who entered this, y'all are great :>
ALSO if you want to see my art I only have two recent enough pieces for you to go off of but here : 1 and 2
Total Participants: 21
Beedobi + FlashFood + Pimpcy -on hold (3)
CodyJProductions + afritz9500 + Dannysharks (3)
Cellexya + Blackened_Dawn + Cileklim ★ (3)
Chips_The_Gamer + bluesnoww + CactusOwnage (3)
cookiestepdog + _Gnome_Child_ + Mabzino + argonFiles (4)
BoneChi11er + rnc2011 + Eberk91 (3)
If you decide to change your skin any time BEFORE I have your part of the drawing complete, you need to tell me!
If you change it AFTER I have your part done, I won't be going back and redrawing it unless you REALLY, ABSOLUTELY want the new one drawn, but you'll have to contact me.
Those with ✔ by their name on the list are done! Those with ★ are being worked on at the current moment.