Ive just returned home to see the server is offline, and some of you speculating that it is staffs doing- I assure you it is not.
From what ive come to understand, the issue is currently beyond our control. But the people we trust to keep us running are working on it.
We apologize for the inconvienence to everyone who plays after work and afterschool, and tot hose who were looking forward to running the maze.
I also apologize for the late announcement, i've at work most of the day, as were the rest of the staff that have access to the information.
But, some clarification-
We are not redoing the maze because Yellowm posted a map, that would be silly. :P
We would not take the server offline to work on halloween things, we do that while your all there.
And i will leave the maze open for 1 extra day for those that dont get to it today.