Humfry's House of Color Dollar Days!!

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by humfrydog

    Time for a sale to celebrate great customers and Harvestars 2 year anniversary!!!!

    So I am offering a sale price of 1 diamond per stack of the following Items while supplies last:

    Concrete powder or solid 16 color options
    Terracotta or glazed terracotta 16 color options
    Plain prismarine block
    prismarine brick ( not dark)
    Ink Sacs
    Packed Ice
    regular Ice
    Glass 16 color options and clear
    Magma blocks
    End Stone
    End Brick
    Blaze rods

    So I am offering a sale price of 2 diamonds per stack of the following Items while supplies last:
    Nether brick
    Red nether brick
    End rods

    So I am offering a sale price of 3 diamonds per stack of the following Items while supplies last:

    Dark prismarine Brick
    Purpur blocks

    Also on sale are all blocks I got tons of so make offer for bulk orders buyers choice of diamond or gold or iron.

    Available are 3 to 15 double chests full of stacks of stone, cobble, andesite, granite, diorite , dirt, cooked fish

    I will fill orders on a first come first serve basis and if the item you want you dont see listed just ask I probally got it

    I also have a sale going on a few elytras and rocket stacks message me in game and of course shulker chests.

  2. :o

  3. Andesite, Granite, and Diorite, all of it.

    2 stacks of End Rods.

    4 ink sack stacks.

    4 stacks of blaze rods.

    Message me your preferred price (diamonds, gold, or otherwise, not picky) and I'll respond in turn.

  4. Humfry, i am prepared to offer you 5 diamond blocks if you can tell me the coordinates of my old above ground town

  5. Edited 7 years ago by humfrydog

    @acraft222 Humfry, i am prepared to offer you 5 diamond blocks if you can tell me the coordinates of my old above ground town

    Another service of friends of humfrys house of color. Home located and also gifted a skeleton and spider grinder that was an old base nearby. Enjoy glad to see you back

  6. @Tekk42 Andesite, Granite, and Diorite, all of it.

    2 stacks of End Rods.

    4 ink sack stacks.

    4 stacks of blaze rods.

    Message me your preferred price (diamonds, gold, or otherwise, not picky) and I'll respond in turn.

    ok first half of your order for end rods, ink and blaze rods is filled and payed for TYVM.

    For the diorite , granite and andesite i put together 9 shulker chests of each type full of stacks and color coordinated, red for granite, grey for andestie and white for diorite.

    if you ant them in shulkers price is 9 diamonds per shulker so 27DBs total for all shulkers and their contents.

    If that is too high or you dont want the shulkers I can go 1 diamond per 9 stacks so total cost is 9DB for 27 stacks of diorite, 27 stacks of andesite and 27 stacks of granite


  7. Buying 4 stacks of packed ice, 2 stacks of glowstone, 2 stacks of cyan glazed terracotta and 5 stacks of cyan terracotta.

  8. @Cileklim Buying 4 stacks of packed ice, 2 stacks of glowstone, 2 stacks of cyan glazed terracotta and 5 stacks of cyan terracotta.

    order ready

  9. @humfrydog ok first half of your order for end rods, ink and blaze rods is filled and payed for TYVM.

    For the diorite , granite and andesite i put together 9 shulker chests of each type full of stacks and color coordinated, red for granite, grey for andestie and white for diorite.

    if you ant them in shulkers price is 9 diamonds per shulker so 27DBs total for all shulkers and their contents.

    If that is too high or you dont want the shulkers I can go 1 diamond per 9 stacks so total cost is 9DB for 27 stacks of diorite, 27 stacks of andesite and 27 stacks of granite


    Thank you for the fantastic service. I see myself using it again in the near future after such a fantastic experience.

  10. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by humfrydog

    Added Misc books i got extra of for 1 or 2 diamonds message me in game, lure 3, luck 3, feather falling 4, infinity, aqua infinity knock 2, flame depth strider 3. some have 2 NBT tags because i combined lower books to create them

  11. Ok sales over hope everybody got a good deal

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