Greetings citizens!
The Cult Order of the Mackeral is calling for more brothers noot noot! We are a bunch of military and fun loving penguins hell bent on taking all of your mackeral! Our policies include saying noot noot building our fortress of ice (as it was pointed out we had a base in the desert which will totally not do at all noot noot).
But first some background, once upon a time PenguinCommander stumbled upon this server in search of our lost brothers and mackeral. He quickly established himself as the most dominate force on the server leaving destruction and chests devoid of mackeral in his wake. He looked upward to the skies and screamed at the top of his lungs NOOT NOOT! The call rang out across the many realms of minecraft and the lost brothers had found their beacon.
Upon hearing this most righteous and holy cry brothers began to alt tab and search the internet for its origin. Coming across google slowly they began to pinpoint it's origin. I BrigadierPenguin was the first to answer his call and promptly proceeded to type in this servers address in search of my brother!
Reunited at last we sought out a fortress more immense than any have seen before, it's unimaginable size blows minds and causes your eyes to scream for it to end. Establishing ourselves with our new ally we formed a plan of attack. We would crush the nay sayers and steal their mackeral while they wept tears of joy and sorrow at angering us.
During this master plans conception Penguinmytymj, penguinleah and PenguinDancer had located the most righteous and holy NOOT NOOT signal that could be heard accross the many realms. They wished to be reunited with their brothers and so they answered the call.
The call still rings and more shall answer! Brothers will come from all walks of life, all ages, all shapes and sizes. We will leave empty chests of mackeral and tear filled eyes in our wake. None shall stand before us for we are PENGUINS!
Brothers of the order must don their penguin attire and be known by penguin in NAME. Come now brothers we are HERE, we are MANY and most important of all we are HUNGRY!
Noot Noot!