1. 4 years ago

    Is there a way to see when the crafty crate will be sent to you? Renewed VIP+ status early by mistake, and was told I'd have the box in August since I got the one for July, but still don't have anything.

  2. I believe when you renew a VIP+ status, it adds up to the next month.

    August's CraftyCrate has not been out yet and there's no ETA, but it should be soon, so please be patient.

    You will receive the notification once you login when it's out. :)

  3. @ImKopi Is there a way to see when the crafty crate will be sent to you? Renewed VIP+ status early by mistake, and was told I'd have the box in August since I got the one for July, but still don't have anything.

    If you go to your profile it should tell you how many crates you have left and when you expire. You will be notified in-game when there is a new crate available and your crates number will decrement by one.

    Expiry: Sep 9, 2020, 8:49 pm
    Crates: 1

    We custom design each crate every month so sometimes they are not ready right at the beginning of the month. Rest assured, the system keeps track of your crates and will keep it synced even if you donate multiple times before the crates are given out.

  4. @CraftyMyner If you go to your profile it should tell you how many crates you have left and when you expire. You will be notified in-game when there is a new crate available and your crates number will decrement by one.

    Expiry: Sep 9, 2020, 8:49 pm
    Crates: 1

    We custom design each crate every month so sometimes they are not ready right at the beginning of the month. Rest assured, the system keeps track of your crates and will keep it synced even if you donate multiple times before the crates are given out.

    Thank you Crafty!

  5. It has been released!!

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