Team Eye... The Stats

  1. 8 years ago


    1 Jun 2016 Suspended
    Edited 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    This is a followup thread on the "Most Powerful Faction" thread. To answer your question Team Eye is the most powerful. Don't agree with me?
    Heres some stats fam:
    Members: 8
    Bases Created: 4
    Times Raided: 2 (We were able to save all of our valuables prior to both raids LOL)
    Enemy Bases Raided: 8+
    PvP Tournaments Crashed: 1
    PvP Tournament Wins: 0 (Edited by Dawn)
    Combined Kill Stats Between Members: 650+ (Most likely a lot more)
    Diamond Blocks: 15 Stacks (Once emeralds are transformed into diamonds)
    Beacons: 2
    Faction Alliances: None
    Faction Enemies: Whole Server
    Heres some ratings brah:
    PvP: 2.5/10 (Edited by Dawn)
    Raiding: 7.5/10 (Edited by Dawn)
    Wealth: 8.78/10 (Edited by Dawn)
    Building: 8/10
    Redstone: 9/10
    Team Chemistry: 9.37/10 (Edited by Dawn)
    Trashtalk: 10/10
    General Knowledge of the Game: 7.5/10 (Edited by Dawn)
    Negativity? 10/10 (Added by Dawn)
    Can anyone compete? No one cares though (Edited by Dawn)

  2. Editor skills? 10/10 would edit again

  3. Amazing! 2 beacons

  4. This whole thread makes me laugh idk why

  5. The ego is strong with this one.

  6. Does anyone really care? You people are barely on the server at the moment as it is.
    This is simply postering.

  7. You forgot to add "Worst Name" to your info. After all, is there anything more vulnerable than the human eye? Maybe it's a subconscious reflection of self for Nick? That's what I believe.

  8. -image-

  9. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    Pls team eye, I cant even play due to exams recently and I have more beacons than you. You've also been raided twice.
    Seriously though rating yourself is not going to convince anyone.

  10. tsu

    1 Jun 2016 Suspended

    We got both those beacons within the first week of the server being launched when we went try hard @R4iscool1 now we dont take it as serious

  11. Edited 8 years ago by PapaNeon

    @tsu if you don't take it seriously why try inflate your ego like this?

  12. Humble 0/10

  13. Dragon Egg 0/10

  14. Team eye, building skills

  15. "Getting burned, 10/10"

  16. Ego: 11/10

  17. Edited 8 years ago by T0rsion

    Arrogance: 20/10

    Edit: the fact that you have @Blackened_Dawn editing your post proves you are a worthless faction who prides the fact you can push buttons a bit better than most people a bit to much

  18. Getting threads locked 10/10

  19. Lmao

  20. Edited 8 years ago by sovietsuperman

    Pvp with Team Eye be like:


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