Wanted to test something but failed xD Back to square one guys, go to jail, do not pass go
Wanted to test something but failed xD Back to square one guys, go to jail, do not pass go
Y'all are a lot slower now huh :y
you guys broke our will :c
2 bad you will have to start again.
Staff are really brutal.
yes, yes they are.
they are 2 brutal
I'm always brutal
No way not now I won't back down! I draw the line at you and me.
you're what I started, now disregard it
back off lol wtf?
like im counting 1 in 3 posts
chill, brah
(not a reset cause i can't twice in a row, just saying <3)
I shall set my army of winged fury on the next staff member that posts!
Caw! Caw!
Try it, babe