Oceania and Co is recruiting

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    @tsu All these people trying to copy Red Army lmao

    All these factions trying to copy Apathy

  3. All these factions trying to copy faction servers.
    oh wait, apathy was the first faction ever
    10/10 dawn

  4. and apathy copied tetris right dawn?

  5. Exactly.

  6. You have to admit the faction wave the Red Army started is at least making things interesting. Who doesn't love a good Cold War? It pushes people to be their best, or face annihilation.

  7. If you get annihilated on a server with 4 million surface area, then you're either very gullible or very unlucky.
    "annihilation" is very rare.
    More like these factions all coexist because they have no other choice.

  8. -image- Annihilation has been on the increase lately,

  9. tsu

    18 Feb 2016 Suspended

    hahahah but idek what apathy is, sounds like a try hard cod name tho

  10. An old faction! It died—because all its members were lazy, probably!

  11. I think most of them got banned. Apathy was a group of strong Minecrafters. Very good at PVP, farms and the strategy of the game. A formidable combination. Unfortunately some of them sailed on the edge and eventually, inevitably, slipped over it.

  12. Edited 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    Actually, only one of them was banned for advertising. Not sure where you got that conclusion from. They just stopped playing due to their lives, not because they're lazy.

  13. Yeah, shvex only got banned a few months after Apathy stopped anyway lol.
    Although they weren't exactly a faction, they more wanted to give the impression that they were - it was pretty much just shvex and lonewolf

  14. Oolfa

    3 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Mabz is right, after Asian and James and Justin left and our friends, they had no one to fight lmao

  15. I would like to join to help with defence, building and raiding
    I am a decent pvper and a 100% reliable team member

    My weakness is I have only recently started and have very limited items

    My IGN is Carnivorous_Cow I am a half decent 1.9 pvp

  16. Pimpcy is in Apathy :)

  17. Was/is Oceania on 1.9 even? I didn't think @argonFiles played on 1.9 much if at all. And he was the leader of Oceania and from the post there was only one other member.

  18. I'm pretty sure Oceania is dead :P

  19. I like how absolutely everyone who has "applied" has just trolled the page.

  20. the one member dont play 1.9 and 1.8 server is dead

  21. Please don't bump dead threads.

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