End Protection/ Spawn Camping

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by shvex_old

    The past few days when I've entered the end the end and killed players i was being accused of "Spawn Camping" now what i had thought is as long as you do not kill a player while you are inside spawn or while they have a grey name you are fine.
    Today i was sat in the end 40-50 blocks away from the staircase which I'm pretty sure is where the protection ends. A player runs out to one of the end teleporters so i decide to chase and kill them. Once again i was being accused of spawn camping so i asked a mod what the rules were and they checked with the higher ups "Essentially waiting by the borders, or close to it to kill people is not allowed" which i understand, but there is no visual signs of the protections borders although i have a general idea it'd be nice to add a red wool line or something. Also the mod mentioned that 30 blocks away was too close to the border can we have an idea of what can be considered too close and too far?

    I don't really feel like getting banned for spawn camping in the end when its not really clear what the rules are exactly "no spawn camping" is pretty vague. I know some may say "just don't kill people in the end" well then just make the whole end island protected.


  2. you can tell when the border ends because your game mode updates, and your name changes color
    And as i have always said, if you have to ask, the answer is no.

  3. Seriously?

    Today i was sat in the end 40-50 blocks away from the staircase which I'm pretty sure is where the protection ends. A player runs out to one of the end teleporters so i decide to chase and kill them.

    If you are pretty sure that's where the protection ends, then you are indeed spawn camping. It's truly not fair to people trying to harvest or farm in the end when someone like you sits right at the border and kills them. -_-

  4. Im pretty confused why this guy isn't banned yet. Hes camping in the end and killed some players.

  5. So far, none of these comments are productive and doesn't answer the question asked.

    There is nothing in the current listed rules that says a person can't spawn camp.

  6. Edited 7 years ago by Naidae

    Actually, Mith,

    There is nothing in the current listed rules that says a person can't spawn camp.

    The rules clearly state:

    PVP in or near spawn is not allowed - PVP in or near spawn is not allowed - Unless in the PVP Arena, you should not engage in Spawn Killing, Trapping or any other form of PVP in or near spawn. This applies to all dimensions, especially nether where there is limited exits due to the shape of the terrain.

    This states very clearly that it applies to all dimensions...

  7. Edited 7 years ago by mithraculus

    I stand corrected. I didn't see that listed. Only saw the rtp one.

    However, the thread starter is still asking for clarification. I don't understand how negative comments in anyway clears this up.

    Asking these questions will only help staff better police the server and prevent future problems.

    What if a player spawns the dragon and goes outside the safe zone? Are they fair game or killing prohibited? Can someone make an end farm and not be attacked due to being just outside the safe area? If someone is following you outside the safe area can you turn around and kill them? Or is this all considered spawn camping?

  8. i also did not see that listed.

    But how near is considered near... The end island is only so big.

    To my understanding on TS 2 or 3 days ago i was told by an admin as long as the players name isn't grey when they are killed it is fine. Correct me if i misheard you Dawn.

  9. Just wait for them to be in the end for a while, then kill them.

    I've killed a few unarmored people who decided to go to the end and stay there a bit.

  10. Deleted 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  11. How about this:
    Just don't kill anyone near the End spawn or camp there :) Problem solved.

  12. Deleted 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  13. @Captain_Mitchell How about this:
    Just don't kill anyone near the End spawn or camp there :) Problem solved.

    you're not staff XDDDD no one has to listen to that XDDDDDD

  14. I know but go ahead and get banned I dont care

  15. Deleted 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  16. Deleted 7 years ago by ViciousKangaroo
  17. @ViciousKangaroo Just dont kill anyone in the main island. This isnt rocket science, everyone.

    if they didn't want people killing on the end island, it would be protected, so seeing how it isn't, i think he can continue to do it

  18. @ViciousKangaroo Just dont kill anyone in the main island. This isnt rocket science, everyone.

    Thumbs up for dat rocket metaphor

  19. Deleted 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  20. Lol

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