1. 7 years ago

    Hi does anyone here play Pokemon GO?

    And if so what team are you on, what level, and what Pokemon?

    I am Team Mystic, level 18, and my strongest Pokemon is a CP 1450 Vaporeon

  2. (would be) Valor, level 1 and my strongest pokemon is a CP 11 Pikachu, the gps and spoofing doesn't work on andoid lollipop so I had to quit

  3. Oh well that's too bad...

    But why would you spoof the GPS? The whole point of the game is to GO outsite lol

    Otherwise they would have called it Pokemon STAY :P

  4. no mobile data

  5. i play, im level 16, almost level 17, i would be higher but because tracking broke on the 14th (i started playing on the 13th) i don't feel as motivated to play, i turn my phone on to pokemongo maybe 25% of the time im out walking the dog or driving somewhere, drastically reduced from 100% of walks XD highest cp is my new 1066 hypno :D

  6. Team Valor, Level 14, CP 1068 Slowbro xD

  7. Valor, 29 30k xp away from 30, 3010 CP Dragonite

  8. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa

  9. stopped playing, hype is gone T-T

  10. Valor, 18, 1371 CP Exeggutor

  11. why the second thread?

  12. Cause OP didn't know there was a first thread since it's old af?

  13. there's a search bar for a reason tho -_-

  14. Deleted 7 years ago by Pimpcy
  15. Mystic, level 25 , 2113 CP Exeggutor

    @Cileklim stopped playing, hype is gone T-T

    Sounds like a poor excuse to me.

  16. @iclutchHD Mystic, level 25 , 2113 CP Exeggutor

    Sounds like a poor excuse to me.

    I kinda got bored too, i had a 526CP Flareon and 3-4 pokemons around 250-300CP along with lots of weedles when i last checked. I can play it again if they release an update worth checking

  17. @Cileklim I kinda got bored too, i had a 526CP Flareon and 3-4 pokemons around 250-300CP along with lots of weedles when i last checked. I can play it again if they release an update worth checking

    Theres rumors of pokevision being asked to help niantic with the tracking system. I don't know if they're true though.

  18. If they would make the map 3D and not shittier than the one on the iPhone GPS I might play the game.

  19. Edited 7 years ago by FlashFood

    The Pokevision Twitter has a lot of updates that the Niantic devs have been tweeting out. I hope Pokevision does work with them. That would be great.

  20. I'm level 25, on Team Valor, and my highest pokemon is one I just evolved today, an eggsecutor with a CP over 1700.
    It's my highest because I refuse to use stardust to power up. I have millions of stardust.

  21. Newer ›

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