Attention, the K.O. is no longer recruiting, Kathara has sustained massive damage, and the K.O. is slowly breaking apart. It was a good try to make a faction, but sometimes things don't work out the way they should...
Attention, the K.O. is no longer recruiting, Kathara has sustained massive damage, and the K.O. is slowly breaking apart. It was a good try to make a faction, but sometimes things don't work out the way they should...
@AlienArtifact56 Attention, the K.O. is no longer recruiting, Kathara has sustained massive damage, and the K.O. is slowly breaking apart. It was a good try to make a faction, but sometimes things don't work out the way they should...
So.... It was K.O'd?
But sorry to hear that! Running a faction doesn't always work out well.
What happend that it sustained enough damage that you are disbanding it?
K.O. got K.O.'d. rip
@_Confederacy_ I didn't exactly disband it, most the members went their own ways, and I learned that my most recent member caused the destruction, both reasons why I am not taking applications anymore.
I see...
I might take a picture of the ruins and post it, too bad I don't have a picture of Before to compare it to.
Here's some of the aftermath
@iwarriiori At least now I have confirmation of two of the raiders... and a new found hatred.
@iwarriiori Here's some of the aftermath
Ohh, So that was what you guys were doing yesterday.
That explains it.
@AlienArtifact56 @iwarriiori At least now I have confirmation of two of the raiders... and a new found hatred.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
@iwarriiori If it weren't for the player, Kathara would still be standing, not an unrecognizable ruin.
Dammmm who made those lava curtains
@_Killer_Memestar Also, I know you assisted-maybe even leaded-the raid, so I have a grudge against you as well.
@_Killer_Memestar AND I found out that you made the Lava Curtains...
Who brought a few stacks of tnt? ;) xD
@BlueSnoww Who brought a few stacks of tnt? ;) xD
It kind of looks like you are hinting that you brought a few stacks of TNT, but I could just be misinterpreting it.
@AlienArtifact56 It kind of looks like you are hinting that you brought a few stacks of TNT, but I could just be misinterpreting it.
I don't know you have to ask someone who was there like @iwarriiori or @ukufu
damn those lava curtains are sick bro
Warrior let's lava curtain our base