RETURN OF THE FORGOTTEN+new build project

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Good luck with your project. It sounds rather griefable though

  3. Other players can visit the museum?
    Houston, we have a problem.

  4. @Cileklim Other players can visit the museum?
    Houston, we have a problem.

    I second this.

    Post pictures of it. That's all you got to do.

  5. yes, others can visit, but only trusted people such as wblain128 and raven man can visit. plus, whats life without a little risk?

  6. Why can't I visit? I like history

  7. because you don't like me so you will probs grief me, but ill ask someone like kirk to do a video on it or something, but I recommend first hand

  8. Unfortunatly I think this'll probably be destroyed in a matter of weeks, maybe days, if you invite randoms.

  9. nah the list will be very limited, people such as you that I know less will not be invited.

  10. Considering I've only griefed a big base ONCE, and we've never really spoken to each other. I don't see why I'm denied access. I'm very nice once you get to know me.

  11. You're right forgotten I hate you so much, that one day you tried posting a rick roll on my buy and sell thread just rustled my JIMMIES you got at my heart
    oh man now every time I see you I have Rick Astley in my head telling me bad things forgotten
    Bad things about your museum
    Hurry Run!!

  12. sorry masucyri i meant mizoreshariyaki
    and pimpcy coming from a backstabber those words i dont care

  13. MasaruCyri*

  14. FlashFood likes to grief

  15. @FlashFood I will have very little history item unless people are willing to donate a piece of their bases to me, or even a replica of it will do. Also since you like history, ill probs ask my good friends (fignuts and kirk) to maybe make a video. However, the video will not cover everything so then I still get visits as I like playing with people, other wise y don't you just play single player?

  16. @Qfu FlashFood likes to grief

    No u

  17. @Qfu FlashFood likes to grief

    bs confirmed

  18. remember i will try to not nake this solo so recruiting gates are open

  19. Edited 8 years ago by Aquafyna

    How come I'm not allowed?
    I honestly rarely grief and raid.

  20. because you slaughtered me that day for fun!

  21. ok I have finalised my building plans, should you choose to join I will have the blu prints ready

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