1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago
    Deleted 8 years ago by HaloNest
  3. I 2nd it

  4. @Laggy_GIF ^ we need a way to win big with the 2 per day voting coins

    I doubt this is possible due to players such as myself. If there was even a 1/1000 chance for some crazy jackpot I have the bankroll hit it several times

  5. is it possible to change mob drops and the probability of the dropping? I just had an idea

  6. Edited 8 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    The first floor of the casino was supposed to be fun- we didnt expect people to sit there and jump 500 times on a pressure plate that was obviously not giving them what they expected. But its also not meant to be packed constantly.

    First- the roulette have been editited to a happy medium(if not done by now, then after i post this message) where you simply have to accept that you get lucky or you dont. thats why its a gamble.
    The roulette was never meant to give you stacks upon stacks of craftycoins, it was put in as a way for people with a few coins to take a chance on getting a few more before they were done- but people abused it,
    they did so while telling others to keep it secret and that more than anything, pissed me off.

    The games aren't numbered, marked or contain any other indication of what their prizes are because we change them- any admin can walk in and edit them at any time- because its a gamble. Its for fun. Its not meant to make your game easy.

    CraftyCoins arent meant to be cheap- The prices were decided on by studying the community, and seeing what people accepted as payment for CC. You don't walk into a casino and expect to buy 1,000 chips for 10$, so i dont know why people seem to think that we're gonna price craftycoins like dirt and sand.

    As it stands, i cannot create a fair Jackpot system. i have been working on its devlopment for a long time now and it always come out the same- someone gets an advantage and i wont do that on purpose.
    But i will continue to work on it, with help from the staff.

    There are more floors to come- and they will be released as they are finished. there will be more ways to win coins, OP prizes and other as yet undiscoverd things.

    So relax, take stock of yourself, and wonder why you didnt realise that after 100 coins or so the game wasnt the one you were looking for.

    Remember people, Greed is never satisfied.
    We do not do these things to satisfy the greedy, but to entertain.
    Enjoy the casino as it comes, but to blame others for your opinion on what is wrong or right is neither fair nor becoming.

  7. You right

  8. @BaronBattleBread The roulette was never meant to give you stacks upon stacks of craftycoins

    I was always in this primarily for curiosity and only secondarily in it for the wealth gain. I have tedious records of everything I won in the casino, and if the admins decide I did something wrong then I'll happily hand over or destroy all my profits. I'm not looking to burn any bridges after all :)

  9. Edited 8 years ago by mithraculus

    @BaronBattleBread The first floor of the casino was supposed to be fun- we didnt expect people to sit there and jump 500 times on a pressure plate that was obviously not giving them what they expected. But its also not meant to be packed constantly.

    First- the roulette have been editited to a happy medium(if not done by now, then after i post this message) where you simply have to accept that you get lucky or you dont. thats why its a gamble.
    The roulette was never meant to give you stacks upon stacks of craftycoins, it was put in as a way for people with a few coins to take a chance on getting a few more before they were done- but people abused it,
    they did so while telling others to keep it secret and that more than anything, pissed me off.

    The games aren't numbered, marked or contain any other indication of what their prizes are because we change them- any admin can walk in and edit them at any time- because its a gamble. Its for fun. Its not meant to make your game easy.

    CraftyCoins arent meant to be cheap- The prices were decided on by studying the community, and seeing what people accepted as payment for CC. You don't walk into a casino and expect to buy 1,000 chips for 10$, so i dont know why people seem to think that we're gonna price craftycoins like dirt and sand.

    As it stands, i cannot create a fair Jackpot system. i have been working on its devlopment for a long time now and it always come out the same- someone gets an advantage and i wont do that on purpose.
    But i will continue to work on it, with help from the staff.

    There are more floors to come- and they will be released as they are finished. there will be more ways to win coins, OP prizes and other as yet undiscoverd things.

    So relax, take stock of yourself, and wonder why you didnt realise that after 100 coins or so the game wasnt the one you were looking for.

    Remember people, Greed is never satisfied.
    We do not do these things to satisfy the greedy, but to entertain.
    Enjoy the casino as it comes, but to blame others for your opinion on what is wrong or right is neither fair nor becoming.

    This is the response i expected. So be it. I would appreciate if you could keep the belittling condescending comments to a minimum though. I don't think this is necessary way to make the point you wish to convey. I'm entitled to my opinion. Whether you agree with it or not is up to you.

    Walk into the casino, stand there and tell me how many players you see. My opinion is from a player perspective. It was meant to draw attention to problems i see in the casino.

  10. Edited 8 years ago by Valgys

    @BaronBattleBread The first floor of the casino was supposed to be fun- we didnt expect people to sit there and jump 500 times on a pressure plate that was obviously not giving them what they expected. But its also not meant to be packed constantly.

    First- the roulette have been editited to a happy medium(if not done by now, then after i post this message) where you simply have to accept that you get lucky or you dont. thats why its a gamble.
    The roulette was never meant to give you stacks upon stacks of craftycoins, it was put in as a way for people with a few coins to take a chance on getting a few more before they were done- but people abused it,
    they did so while telling others to keep it secret and that more than anything, pissed me off.

    The games aren't numbered, marked or contain any other indication of what their prizes are because we change them- any admin can walk in and edit them at any time- because its a gamble. Its for fun. Its not meant to make your game easy.

    CraftyCoins arent meant to be cheap- The prices were decided on by studying the community, and seeing what people accepted as payment for CC. You don't walk into a casino and expect to buy 1,000 chips for 10$, so i dont know why people seem to think that we're gonna price craftycoins like dirt and sand.

    As it stands, i cannot create a fair Jackpot system. i have been working on its devlopment for a long time now and it always come out the same- someone gets an advantage and i wont do that on purpose.
    But i will continue to work on it, with help from the staff.

    There are more floors to come- and they will be released as they are finished. there will be more ways to win coins, OP prizes and other as yet undiscoverd things.

    So relax, take stock of yourself, and wonder why you didnt realise that after 100 coins or so the game wasnt the one you were looking for.

    Remember people, Greed is never satisfied.
    We do not do these things to satisfy the greedy, but to entertain.
    Enjoy the casino as it comes, but to blame others for your opinion on what is wrong or right is neither fair nor becoming.

    I think it helps you said this for us to better understand the intent behind the casino: a stop rather than a desired destination.

    That being said, I don't think anyone is trying to be unappreciative or greedy when they provide input. I can understand the urge to emphasize the time and effort spent in creating the casino to see this kind of reaction from the players, but I think I speak for most of everyone when I say we love the casino and want to see it succeed/be balanced.

    By being balanced that's really a definition you ultimately define and only we can give our two-cents on, and I think/hope everyone here understands that. If this is a response to just say back off and let the casino do its thing for awhile, I can respect that too.

    PS - I love the casino. Thanks!

  11. @mithraculus This is the response i expected. So be it. I would appreciate if you could keep the belittling condescending comments to a minimum though. I don't think this is necessary way to make the point you wish to convey. I'm entitled to my opinion. Whether you agree with it or not is up to you.

    Walk into the casino, stand there and tell me how many players you see. My opinion is from a player perspective. It was meant to draw attention to problems i see in the casino.

    remember the server is a survival server not a casino, it would break the server if the main thing to do is grind the casino all day. the casino should just be a place to go when you vote not an hour session. anyway thats just my opinion

  12. they should add back in the 3rd voting link in chat (they had that right?)

  13. @OpticImpulse It wasn't our choice to take down the 3rd link. And it won't be returning.

  14. @Cellexya @OpticImpulse It wasn't our choice to take down the 3rd link. And it won't be returning.

    Why was it taken down in the first place?

  15. Because you can't have a 1.10 server voting for a 1.8 server.

  16. Ohhhh.. that makes a lot more since! I still really liked the 3rd one though so R.I.P. 3rd link

  17. Edited 8 years ago by mithraculus

    @Laggy_GIF remember the server is a survival server not a casino, it would break the server if the main thing to do is grind the casino all day. the casino should just be a place to go when you vote not an hour session. anyway thats just my opinion

    I'm completely lost on this comment. Please re-read my original post.

  18. Edited 8 years ago by Pimple_300ping

    @mithraculus I'm completely lost on this comment. Please re-read my original post.

    I think what this person means is that the activity on this server is meant to be based around everything multiplayer survival Minecraft - building, farming, pvping, working together, working in competition against one another, ect. I think the opinion @Laggy_GIF presents here is that the casino was meant as a small, fun activity to do when you want a break from the game of survival Minecraft, and not as a place to run to the red pressure plate, watch the guardian bounce around, see the result, then repeat over and over and over in order to gain wealth on the server.

    I think the opinion presented in the post quoted above is a valid opinion, and should be thought about by all players upset with the recent change in the newborn Crafty Casino. It is one that I agree with, and a reason I think we should all appreciate the casino for what it is now, instead of demanding its old way of a grinding method that nearly guaranteed profit.

  19. ^

  20. Edited 8 years ago by mithraculus

    @CodyJProductions I think what this person means is that the activity on this server is meant to be based around everything multiplayer survival Minecraft - building, farming, pvping, working together, working in competition against one another, ect. I think the opinion @Laggy_GIF presents here is that the casino was meant as a small, fun activity to do when you want a break from the game of survival Minecraft, and not as a place to run to the red pressure plate, watch the guardian bounce around, see the result, then repeat over and over and over in order to gain wealth on the server.

    I think the opinion presented in the post quoted above is a valid opinion, and should be thought about by all players upset with the recent change in the newborn Crafty Casino. It is one that I agree with, and a reason I think we should all appreciate the casino for what it is now, instead of demanding its old way of a grinding method that nearly guaranteed profit.

    I have no problem with the updated changes made to the roulette machines. I certainly never meant to imply that "grinding" coins was what i cared about in the casino. In fact i really couldn't care less. I only mentioned the roulette machines in passing on my original post. I suppose that was what lost me in Laggy's comment since it really wasn't brought up and had so little to do with my concerns.

    Apologies to Laggy for the misunderstanding.

  21. You can convey a point without the need for capital letters TheForgotten20.

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