Mixmasherpvp logged yesterday when I was rocking him
Mixmasherpvp logged yesterday when I was rocking him
Oh god
That's too bad. You were the first name I added to my list of "players worth interacting with" in awhile. I really appreciated our Apple trades. Hope to see you again soon.
On my point of view, no "bad" players play on the server and I personally think you used the wrong word to describe certain people.
Everybody plays the way he wants and he's free to do that.
I think that everybody in the server is a good person, who has his own way to play on the server.
So you can't say "bad players" screwed me.
You have to say that a part of the fault is also yours.
Since PvP, griefing and raiding are allowed they became automaticly part of the game fun.
I think you need to take a step back before jumping ahead in this "on the spot" decision to leave the server because it is never good when a familiar face leaves.
I'm not saying its your fault, I say you should be a little bit more carefull about the players you put trust in.
Take this as a life lection, try to avoid "less known people", and trust who you really know, this way the chanche to be griefed, or screwed in real life declines.
So you can't say that a player who griefes is a "bad player", he just plays in a "more actionfull" way, wich you might disagree with... but this is a server so you have to deal with it.
I took my time to write you this because I know you are a good player and I don't want to not see you anymore and as you can see I'm not the only one who doesn't want you to leave.
I'm aure you'll ponder on this and you'll eventually make a decision.
(This is just my opinion)
Hope to see you playing.
Forgive my italianish english please
@HaloNest shut the hell up
Pretty impressive response Halo
Ngl id never spoken to him before, i msgd him saying can i live with you and he said yeah sure then straght up tpd me to his full base..
To an extent I agree with Halo, you must be too trusting
@MixMasherPvp Ngl id never spoken to him before, i msgd him saying can i live with you and he said yeah sure then straght up tpd me to his full base..
not true at all. I mentioned that I had several ocean monuments around my base and then received a message from mixmasherpvp asking if he could raid them. I responded with no because i would be too afraid he would turn on me and kill me and he then told me it wouldn't happen and that he had no quarrel with me. Even said he liked me. I responded with i guess but only if u let me help because i have never done one before and wanted to see how it worked and he seemed happy with my help. I then found a bedrock building above the water while i was exploring and he tped to see it, along with several admins. In the course of chatting with him and the admins, he asked if he could live with me and i responded with i guess. He got me to trust him, and I showed him my entire base and was nothing but nice and welcoming. I was actually excited to have a base mate he was actually continually on and not a noob. I left the game to go to work and came back to a completely wrecked base. I do not understand why people find enjoyment in wrecking bases that others who were polite and helpful to them spent hours upon hours upon hours working on. According to my own upbringing and realistically the general rule of thumb for "good" and "bad", this player was definitely bad. You can argue that all you like but no one should find enjoyment in destroying something that an actually pleasant and helpful player sent so much time creating.
@MixMasherPvp Ngl id never spoken to him before, i msgd him saying can i live with you and he said yeah sure then straght up tpd me to his full base..
Btw im also a she ty much
Well im sorry but you should knoe not to trust random people, im a know raider and greifer on this server by many many people
@MixMasherPvp Well im sorry but you should knoe not to trust random people, im a know raider and greifer on this server by many many people
GG on changing your story, or at least admitting you were lying...
Jockette, should you decide to stay, you are welcome at my base--i have plenty of room
@MixMasherPvp Well im sorry but you should knoe not to trust random people, im a know raider and greifer on this server by many many people
True true and we're once tried to be killed by me
@ghostassasin81 True true and we're once tried to be killed by me
true story lol
Stop being salty its only a game
Is that all you say? Every time I hear of your exploits, you always eventually reply with salty. I don't think you realize that your actions, regardless of if its a game or not, will make you look bad.
WilhelmTheGreat many people of realised how much you love talking about me and getting involved with everything im doing ;P
Well its not like you are making it hard for me to notice, parading yourself on the forums and all.