7.8/10? what do ya' mean?
7.8/10? what do ya' mean?
@HaloNest 7.8/10? what do ya' mean?
Do you actually not get it before i look like an idiot explaining it ??
lmao just say that
Okay well back in the day of 2014 when ORAS came out IGN rated it 7.8/10 and one the the negatives was "Too much water" hence the meme was born
@HaloNest how much does Adidas pay you? lol
I played in a team wich was sponsorized by adidas, free stuff
@iDogeTwinkie I like chicken :D
I swear I was working the day this picture was taken. :D
This too...
...and this...
...well in this one I was in a toilet so I wasn't working...kinda lel =DI'm usually a hard worker you guys. :>
Oh noz its the doge!! ^^
I would post pics of me but idk how to upload to imgur :P
@misterkickman I would post pics of me but idk how to upload to imgur :P
@OpticImpulse @misterkickman try the upload button in the left corner if you are on your computer.
Or the cloud with the up arrow for mobile i believe.
Also try: https://postimage.org
It makes posting images and getting links easy. Make sure you have the .jpg on it.
@misterkickman I would post pics of me but idk how to upload to imgur :P
...you literally just drag+drop. don't even need an account
@Laineyyz Oh noz its the doge!! ^^
Yes hello this is Doge :)
I really like this thread tho :D
Well, I haven't posted one in a while, though I seem to be missing something...
but I can't put my finger on it...
Your hair
what hair :D
The lack there of