The Selfie Thread!!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 5 years ago


  3. It's been 3 years since my last post, though I might update my pic.


  4. @CraftyMyner It's been 3 years since my last post, though I might update my pic.


    Omg still so cute!

  5. It's been a good hot minute so I thought I'd remind you all I'm not dead (at least physically)


  6. @JaceNeedsCoffee It's been a good hot minute so I thought I'd remind you all I'm not dead (at least physically)


    Yo where my coffee at Mr Jace? :D

  7. Here's me having one of the best weeks in my life in Italy right before getting drafted


  8. Happiest man on earth after exiting the race track. I don't have many pics of me here's one


  9. Me at a day of faire.


  10. Heyy it's me ya boi, still stressed and depressed and somewhat adequately dressed...


  11. Good to see you again jam!

  12. Here to help.

  13. Anyone else think ^ looks vaugely familiar?

  14. ^ Neato

  15. -image-

    whats good my dudes

  16. Deleted 5 years ago by JaceNeedsCoffee
  17. Deleted 5 years ago by JaceNeedsCoffee
  18. Face Reveal since the first leg of my challenge is over...also @DonCake are you my long lost brother?

  19. -image-

    Finally , a picture where I don't look that blurry, lol
    Somewhere in July after playing on a concert, my friend, the vocalist, dedicated this picture to me :D

  20. [quote=89682:@Roylne1]Face Reveal since the first leg of my challenge is over...also @DonCake are you my long lost brother?

    I kinda feel envious of your Dali moustache... you should add it to the skin :P

  21. @DonCake [quote=89682:@Roylne1]Face Reveal since the first leg of my challenge is over...also @DonCake are you my long lost brother?

    I kinda feel envious of your Dali moustache... you should add it to the skin :P

    I did think about it actually lol

  22. Newer ›

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