It's been 3 years since my last post, though I might update my pic.
@CraftyMyner It's been 3 years since my last post, though I might update my pic.
Omg still so cute!
It's been a good hot minute so I thought I'd remind you all I'm not dead (at least physically)
@JaceNeedsCoffee It's been a good hot minute so I thought I'd remind you all I'm not dead (at least physically)
Yo where my coffee at Mr Jace? :D
Here's me having one of the best weeks in my life in Italy right before getting drafted
Happiest man on earth after exiting the race track. I don't have many pics of me here's one
Me at a day of faire.
Heyy it's me ya boi, still stressed and depressed and somewhat adequately dressed...
Good to see you again jam!
Here to help.
Anyone else think ^ looks vaugely familiar?
^ Neato
whats good my dudes
Face Reveal since the first leg of my challenge is over...also @DonCake are you my long lost brother?
Finally , a picture where I don't look that blurry, lol
Somewhere in July after playing on a concert, my friend, the vocalist, dedicated this picture to me :D