The Selfie Thread!!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    @Sofatroll Here's one of me that I made late at night (about 4am). Also the first actual selfie of me in here, probably the very first real selfie I made in my entire life.

    " rel="nofollow external">[/quote]

    I should've never raided the sc, oh god

  3. Blesian

    5 Feb 2017 Suspended

    qfu x sofatroll?

  4. @Blesian qfu x sofatroll?


  5. -image-

  6. @Sofatroll qfu left you cause he don't need no man.

  7. @GrinningBobcat -image-

    Mmm yes...

  8. Edited 7 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @Cileklim Mmm yes...


    *saves @Cellexya 's gif*


  9. Well I re-did my hair
    sorry but I look demonic D:

  10. I've been out travelling, so here is a selfie from my travels...


    Props to who can guess which mountain that is!

  11. Deleted 7 years ago by TacoJesus
  12. Heres me :P

  13. fails^ ;P

  14. @TacoJesus Heres me :P

    Fixed it

  15. nice phone

  16. @Ham_Radio I've been out travelling, so here is a selfie from my travels...


    Props to who can guess which mountain that is!

    The fake sanic (shadow) k

  17. @Mayorga The fake sanic (shadow) k

    You mean the edgy porcupine with red highlights right?

  18. @GrinningBobcat You mean the edgy porcupine with red highlights right?

    yeah I guess, k xd

  19. Edited 7 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @Mayorga yeah I guess, k xd

    He's got frosted tips

  20. New Akili selfies! Plus Ellie and my kitteh Mortimurr~

    I dressed up for fun \o/


    My most recent hair cut lawl


    She's two now!!


    My newest baby, Mortimurr, born September 6th(ish) 2016

  21. Nice

  22. Newer ›

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