Getting raided

  1. 8 years ago

    I want to start this new thread for a reason.

    Look fellas, most of you rage quit because of this or you're really mad as fuck and you don't get any will to play anymore. This means you're taking all that shit to your heart.

    I remember when I was raided like 4 times in a row. I had 3 bases. One made by Apathy guys and then given to me then one was made by me and third was just a project base.

    Project base was completely destroyed and raided. I thought how shitty that was. It was shitty indeed. The second base was raided 4 times in a row. I lost so much stuff in it that I worked for. That included 4 fresh god armor sets. It was ridiculous. Luckily that motherfucker didn't destroy the base.

    Now...a base that was owned by me and Shiba was raided too. Luckily Shiba hid most of the things. I knew it was gonna get raided so they didn't take much. It was a stupid move but hey it happens.

    I didn't write this to reminence about my shit. This is written to let you all know that all what was stolen off my bases can be returned back by working for it. Don't cry about your stuff. I didn't and I never did. Be happy - you get to have fun again. I hid my stuff pretty much thanks to Shiba. It's a survival game after all. :)

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HaloNest

    remember, it is only minecraft, you'll allways find the way to start a better home once your previous one got griefed... there are bilions of thousands of blocks out there.
    just to ensure you, I'm part of stranger's company...
    we had like 7 bases in total (not at the same time), they were griefed all, one by one, but that only made us stronger and now we prosper in our island without any problem, in peace with everybody.
    merit to merit, raiding is part of the game, griefing is a bad part of the game, you just ruin what others did.
    that is unfair but some likes to do it...

  3. Just wondering how the griefer/raider discovered your bases? A guy from the inside?

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HaloNest


    A guy from the inside

  5. @_Drachenzorn_ Just wondering how the griefer/raider discovered your bases? A guy from the inside?

    The project base wad raided by a kid who was so mad because I called him a c***. You probably know of what word I'm talking about. He and two more idiots helped me to clear out space for that base. It turns out it was the other guy who did it. He basically stole a doublechest full of nether quartz ore.

    Then the third base was raided by a guy who posed as LoneWolf. He was the highest donator in CM before Nysic took it over. He was the leader of Apathy. It turns out it was James Grace the guy who fucked up the entire server. That's why we had a big reset.

    He did that 4 times in a row. I thought it was LoneWolf on one of his alts. Yeah I was stupid.

    My current base was raided by two people. Kids basically thought as my good friends. At least I thought they are. Ah well, I took most of valuable shit so they took minor things. Shiba hid a lot of stuff. I'm surprised they didn't take like 8 stacks of apples lol.

  6. @HaloNest @Quartz_King

    A guy from the inside


  7. @misterkickman Lol

    @misterkickman a guy from the inside

  8. @TheForgotten20 @misterkickman a guy from the inside

    you leaked me :3
    Also if you do not like being raided play on a claim server, when i get raided i say gg and move on. Be careful on who you trust and obviously get far out to be safe.

  9. Why can't all of the server just work together on one big base? Wouldn't that benefit everybody in the end?

  10. @_Haxington_ Why can't all of the server just work together on one big base? Wouldn't that benefit everybody in the end?

    That would be like all hell let loose in one confined space.

  11. Not if everyone agrees to work together

  12. @_Haxington_ Not if everyone agrees to work together

    Which is highly unlikely to happen.

  13. I know, what I was saying though is that if it were to happen, then everybody would benefit from it

  14. @Quartz_King you leaked me :3
    Also if you do not like being raided play on a claim server, when i get raided i say gg and move on. Be careful on who you trust and obviously get far out to be safe.

    i didnt lel, even though you said i could i couldnt be bothered to type ur coords out

  15. @_Haxington_ Why can't all of the server just work together on one big base? Wouldn't that benefit everybody in the end?

    I'm down

  16. Blesian

    31 Oct 2016 Suspended

    @iwarriiori I'm down

    me too

  17. @_Haxington_ I know, what I was saying though is that if it were to happen, then everybody would benefit from it

    but people will get lazy and let others build, similar to how communism fell

  18. The people that build great bases generally enjoy building, so that would not be a problem. The people that do not enjoy building could be assigned other tasks, or they could just chill I guess?

  19. Edited 8 years ago by misterkickman

    @_Haxington_ Why can't all of the server just work together on one big base? Wouldn't that benefit everybody in the end?

    Imagine @Qfu @TheSpiderman2013 @Blesian @iwarriiori @Quartz_King and @Fish_life in one base. Now rethink your plan.

  20. LMAO

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