Hey guys, I've been talking to several people about shulker grinder designs and I wanted to show off the grinder we've been working on for over a month now. It's an original design by myself, wblaine128, and CovertRaw and as far as I know it's the only shulker grinder using spawners anywhere on the internet at this time. Since we opted for a relatively solid box surrounding the grinder, it took a very long time to build. I myself probably put in at least 15 hours on CraftyMynes building it after deciding on the design on a creative realm.
I hope to put up a shop post sometime tonight including preorder prices, as we will have access to bulk numbers of shells (hopefully) within minutes/hours of the server updating depending on our availability
Original design by cepheid, wblaine128, and CovertRaw
Built primarily by cepheid and _MasterDragon_
Other contributors and moral support: ZenithW, adamblakely2, and Beedobi
Also please forgive any sloppiness/quality issues, this was the first time I've ever tried recording and I even made a cepheid Youtube account just for this post
Edit: link to shop found at https://forum.craftymynes.com/3868-selling-shulker-shells-boxes-now-accepting-preorders