Death Shulker - Towel Gang's Shulker Grinder

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by cepheid

    Hey guys, I've been talking to several people about shulker grinder designs and I wanted to show off the grinder we've been working on for over a month now. It's an original design by myself, wblaine128, and CovertRaw and as far as I know it's the only shulker grinder using spawners anywhere on the internet at this time. Since we opted for a relatively solid box surrounding the grinder, it took a very long time to build. I myself probably put in at least 15 hours on CraftyMynes building it after deciding on the design on a creative realm.

    I hope to put up a shop post sometime tonight including preorder prices, as we will have access to bulk numbers of shells (hopefully) within minutes/hours of the server updating depending on our availability

    Original design by cepheid, wblaine128, and CovertRaw
    Built primarily by cepheid and _MasterDragon_
    Other contributors and moral support: ZenithW, adamblakely2, and Beedobi

    Also please forgive any sloppiness/quality issues, this was the first time I've ever tried recording and I even made a cepheid Youtube account just for this post

    Edit: link to shop found at

  2. And I helped

  3. edited to show contributors :P

  4. @adamblakely2 the real MVP

  5. I think its awesome but I have many questions. it doesn't look 17 by 17 by 17, how high above the spawner can they spawn? how far below can they spawn? how far away is your afk room? I have a limited space area to build mine with other contraptions and farms adjacent so space is a huge concern and i wont be able to surround it in solid blocks on all sides. for my spawner i can clear out 17, on 3 sides 17 from the spawner in each direction, 1 side only 15 then another farm area, above i only have 7 blocks available then an auto farm above.

  6. Cepheid is vawy smart

  7. @humfrydog I basically mapped every single space that the shulkers could get to, then never gave them a solid block that they could tp to withing 8 blocks any direction of those spaces. I wanted to maximize the number of shulkers the spawners could spawn at a time, which is a 9x9x3 area centered on the spawner.

  8. If that didn't make it clear, the actual grinder goes all the way to the coal blocks you see in the very beginning of the video, there are no solid blocks within that range

  9. Edited 7 years ago by Aquafyna

    Ill be hoping to make a preorder on Shulker Boxes :D
    I won't have to settle for a base if I get shulker boxes :D
    I can just travel!
    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    :D --> To annoy

  10. Very cool design, and the video shows it off excellently too.

    I was wondering if it would be worthwhile having two separate killing chambers alternating the water. As you have it the shulkers only have somewhere to tp to half the time, so you're likely to reach the spawner cap while the water is dispensed. It's probably totally unnecessary but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

  11. Edited 7 years ago by cepheid

    Yes, Nutjob our grinder is far from perfect. I considered doing what you said with the two killing platforms and alternating the water, but decided not to for both simplicity, elegance, and the simple fact that we're only losing a small amount of efficiency doing it our way (up to 12 shulkers are still able to spawn in the 30-45 seconds it takes for the shulkers to drown, depending on lag). From hours I spent last night watching the grinder in action, I'd make a rough estimate that that design flaw loses us 10% efficiency at the absolute maximum. Also, it would be more efficient if our spawners were farther apart so as to not have an overlap in spawner caps, but we had to work with what we had available on the server.

    Edit to expand: As shown in the video, it's possible to keep the water off and manually kill the shulkers. We have a strength 2 beacon set up to aid with this, and this would have 100% efficiency for our setup

  12. so they cant spawn on top of glass? and if i fill in the outer area beyond the 9by9 leaving no openings but solid blocks they wont form either? is that correct?

  13. that's correct, they'll only jump to air blocks within a 17x17x17 area centered on the shulker where the air block is next to a solid block

  14. why dont they form on the purpur blocks they look solid?

  15. they do jump to purpur..?

  16. @cepheid if you want another shulker egg for another grinder notify me

  17. Thanks bobcat, but I don't see ourselves needing another grinder anytime soon, and even if we get raided we have more than enough spare shells for another

  18. Awwwww moral support

    I think I died once to give you valuable experience not to fuck up lol

  19. 6/10 not enough melons

  20. Edited 7 years ago by Lazoru

    Props for making the grinder look dope tho

  21. Newer ›

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