1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    well, my images dont work apparently

  3. Anyway. Here are the links if anyone is interested. Also you can right click the -image- in the OP and click view image to see them.


  4. Edited 8 years ago by CreeperLord170

    You should have posted the direct links in it

  5. Thanks Creeper

  6. looks nice! any clearer pics? :P

  7. @OPtimusjag looks nice! any clearer pics? :P

    Clearer pics!? Those are in 4k LOL! But yeah, pretty fuzzy at night ;P. I'm uploading a video I made here in a bit and you should be able to see it a little better. You've probably already tried this, but if you right click the pic and click view image (on Firefox, dunno about other browsers), you should be able to see a little better.

  8. Is this your first base in this server? If so, its pretty decent!

  9. @Cileklim Is this your first base in this server? If so, its pretty decent!

    Thanks. It's my first since 1.8. I've done a better job so far on this one though and am happy with how it's looking. I did kind of a resident evil mansion thing on 1.8 that was decent but was built around the end is extremely nigh texture pack, so it only looked good with it. Looked pretty garbage otherwise lol - but I'm super excited to finish this one over the next few weeks.

  10. An Update on my base. It's come a long way. Still a long way to go though. I scrapped my previous plans for a straight up castle since there are so many being built and decided to go for a vampire cathedralesque type build. I would guess that I'm 60% of the way done with the outside. Most of the inside still needs to be gutted of natural terrain and have rooms and hallways put in. At the moment it's basically just a shell or facade with nothing in it.

    Future plans include a graveyard surrounding it once I've terraformed and then catacombs beneath it. It's a rather large build at around 7x5 chunks so it will still be some time before I see it finished.





  11. any pics without the txture pack? :P
    looks awesome doe

  12. Nice to see a carefully lit build. Builds should look good at night as well as in the day.

  13. @OPtimusjag any pics without the txture pack? :P
    looks awesome doe

    It makes my eyes bleed because the lack of detailing is so noticeable, but here ya go :P
    I'll eventually get around to adding variations in the bricks among other things to make it less plain.







  14. wow, crazy good, but looks pretty janky without the texture pack

  15. @Dennari43 we need to do sth cool like this!

  16. @OPtimusjag what, my castle isn't cool enough for you? :P

  17. @OPtimusjag @Dennari43 we need to do sth cool like this!

    @Dennari43 @OPtimusjag what, my castle isn't cool enough for you? :P

    I'm sure it's great. I'd like to see what you guys have built if you haven't shared on the show and tell yet. Or if you build something grand, be sure to share it :D

    It helps to get ideas from each other.

  18. We have a castle, but it's small in comparison, despite the detail work. We've been thinking of posting pics, but I've been putting it off until I get more stuff done around it, like placing grass and torches and finishing the farms. :/

  19. ^^

  20. nice

  21. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @OPtimusjag @Dennari43 we need to do sth cool like this!

    @Dennari43 @OPtimusjag what, my castle isn't cool enough for you? :P

    "when they have legit basemates but you have inactives that don't do anything"

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