You can't use a hacked client, as stated in the rules that the owner established.
Any form of cheating will not be tolerated - This means anything that gives you an unfair advantage over players who are playing the game the way the game was intended to be played.
You came onto our server using a hacked client with your own sense of morality, with complete disregard about our strict rules about no cheating and proceeded to accuse one of our own players that did not have any hacked client on, and continued to berate the staff with your "discovery", in which I was not online for, I merely gave GibsonAxe the authorisation to ban you. As for the "proving her ass wrong", you didn't prove anything about the player you accused of using the hacked client, you merely put the attention on you and your usage.
As I mentioned before, no one gave you any sort of authority to "test" your idiotic hacked client on our server, nor would it had happened anyway, due to the strict nature of our rules.
You are not exempt from punishment, in fact, you never were, and this is merely a temper tantrum thrown by a child that did not get his Minecraft items back because they thought the way they got killed was unfair.
Please, go back to kindergarten where you belong.