1. 8 years ago

    This is Xeniac85.
    I just started on crafty about a month ago.
    I'm 32 male and work at a lab in Los Angeles.
    Minecraft helps me relax.
    Someone asked for a picture of my building, so I figured it'll double as an intro.

    Welcome to my castle:

    This is the overview so far:

    Hopefully, this is the view people see when they find it:

    Interior isn't really worked on much, and space isn't wide enough for worthy pictures.
    If you find my place, I'd appreciate if you kept the damage repairable.
    I don't really have much for you to take.
    and that's it, Xen out

  2. Wow, this looks great. I look forward to updates and maybe interior pictures!

  3. Dude that's awesome it's like a kingdom almost

  4. @Dennari43 wow look dis

  5. Hey it was me that asked for some pics. I wanted to see what Baron was getting excited about and these screenshots didn't disappoint! Awesome!

    I'm also curious;

    @xeniac85 work at a lab

    What sort of lab? I only ask because I too work in a lab that studies microalgae. Long shot, but I can't help wondering if it's anything similar.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by xeniac85

    Thanks for the compliments!
    I'll update as I go.

    @NutjobBob Research lab? I'm jealous. I work for quality control lab at a pharma.
    Trace element analysis, active assay, etc. Simple stuff.

    and I think you meant Nysic. He's trying to give me a heartattack

  7. @xeniac85 Thanks for the compliments!
    I'll update as I go.

    @NutjobBob Research lab? I'm jealous. I work for quality control lab at a pharma.
    Trace element analysis, active assay, etc. Simple stuff.

    and I think you meant Nysic. He's trying to give me a heartattack

    I am just sneaky, not not my fault you are jumpy :P

  8. wow this is an amazing build, keep up the great work :D

  9. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    Damn son!

  10. looks nice great work

  11. impressive, I would love to see a tour of it!

  12. Holy shit, dope man!

  13. Edited 8 years ago by PlesleronTepryos

    I believe i found this place quite a while back, took some paper as a toll.

  14. Like to see this place close up

  15. if i'm not mistaken, it's in rtp range.

  16. Thanks all. I'll update once it's worth another picture.
    @sknup There's not much to see. I barely have exteriors up, but let me know when you are on and you can tp to check it out.

    @PlesleronTepryos thanks for coming by

  17. Very nice!

  18. Here's an update

    The Library:

    Close up:

    even closer close up:

    If you find it, please do not take the books.
    It took forever to make/collect enough to fill

  19. 7 years ago

    Wow! Awesome

  20. it looks amazing mate! absolutely stunning!

  21. Newer ›

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