Have my base, and everything I have

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Andureil

    I'm basically giving up since I've lost complete interest on playing MC, so I want to give everything I've got to you lovely players. To find my base you'll have to do some exploring, so it's fair for everyone who wants to get my stuff. My base coords are between 10k and 20k in the x axis, and between 60k and 70k in the y axis. Note that one (or both) of the coordinates may be negative. Here are pictures of everything that I've had of value so far (the rest of the stuff is other blocks and stuff):


    (Shulker boxes have End City loot)

    With this, I tell you goodbye. I might come back, I might not. Thank you all for the great fun I've had, specially those who have been friendly with me, even though I couldn't be called as friend by anyone.
    Love, Andureil.

    EDIT: Those who don't give a f*ck about this except for the stuff, f*ck you!

  2. aw sad to see a good player go good luck on what ever other games you're moving onto o/

  3. Hope uvwill get back sometime

  4. Hello Andureil ,

    Sorry to see you go , hope you one day find joy in minecraft again , we will still be here if you do .
    thanks for all the time you spent with us !
    hope to see you in the future .

  5. Sad to see an old player go, I hope you will come back no matter what
    p.s: Sometimes its more fun to start all over!

  6. Sad to see you go bro.
    You're not my brother so I'll call you buddy.
    But then we aren't really buddies so I'll call you guy.
    Sad too see you go guy.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by humfrydog

    You say " I have completely lost interest in minecraft " Would you mind expanding on that? Is there something specific that bothers you? There is much to do in minecraft. For example solo play, building, adventuring, exploring, teaming, raiding and PVP. So what turned you off our server? betrayed? bored? lonely? need a challenge? Many of us have had these moments on this server but thanks to a caring friends and agreat community we work thru it. Perhaps we can help you rekindle a love for minecraft.

  8. Above ground?

  9. +- 10k-20k x axis, +- 60k-70k y axis.

    If we imagine the map as a 20x20 grid, you just listed 4 squares on that grid. 20x20 =400. 4/400=1/100. Put another way, one in every hundred bases are within that region (Yes I oversimplified some).

    Follow up question:
    What's the chance someone else has a base inside one of those 4 squares. If I had a base inside one of those squares I'd be concerned.

  10. Glad i moved haha

  11. Update: I meant 60k-70k in the z axis lol

  12. You mean, first find the motherfucker then you can have it, right? :P

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