Craziest ban appeals

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    I just read AlwaysDrunkPunk's ban appeal and felt the need to say a few things...

    First up I think this is one hell of a bar raiser as far as ban appeals go, literally 100% of the time we can all agree everyone deserved what they got for being stupid. It's always been plain and simple. After reading this particular appeal though... I believe the stats have changed to 99.9% of the time... and while that's an incredibly tiny percentage, for all intents and purposes its a colossal number.

    For the first time on on that thread I felt legitimately sorry for the accused, and for once could understand and put myself in the same situation... and I honestly cant say I would have behaved differently if placed in a similar situation...

    To be clear, I fully respect the actions of our fine staff, he broke the rules and deserved the punishment he was dealt. There is a 0 tolerance policy for hacking/cheating and they were fully aware of that.

    I just wanted to say that for the first time since joining the craftymynes community... I feel there is a gray area in this ban appeal... thankfully im not anywhere near as experienced with minecraft as some people seem to be. Before I joined this server I played exclusively on Xbox with a few of my buddies, and ONLY in creative lol... so coming here was HUGE. As such I'm not familiar with duplication glitches or exploitative bugs, and many other things I probably shouldnt know about.

    In this particular instance though, I can fully relate to his curiosity in finding this "duplication" contraption. I sure as hell wouldnt of had any idea what the damn thing was of course, but were I in his shoes my thoughts would have been the exact same! I can see exactly how it would go down in my head! I would giggle like an idiot and go "hehe some asshat was trying to dupe" and then think to myself... "huh, I wonder if this thing still works" ... I would tell my buddy Icebaal to hop on and get him to help, then tinker with it for a few minutes to see if mojang still sucked at their job and then move on once i realized its been fixed.

    If it had worked I would've immediately sought out a staff member and told them that this thing was around and someone was up to something... I wasn't actually trying to cheat in my mind...

    What it comes down to is this: A hacker got banned for breaking the rules, we have a 0 tolerance policy for a reason, hacking and cheating is unforgivable... before now I never thought a gray area was even possible in this category... and had the post ended there it would've stayed that way... but what really jumped out at me was Crafty himself basically inviting him to come back and play on an alternate account... which I took to mean Crafty felt legitimately sorry for the guy and his situation.

    It was a weird experience to read that ban appeal... idk... i might just be overthinking it but the atmosphere change a bit for me...

  3. @CactusOwnage "stickman561

    Why did I even get banned? Flying. I didn't fly. Sometimes a server kicks you for flying if you get stuck in a block. Linking the ban system to this is beyond unreliable. Now I'm banned for trying to build a flying machine and catching a whiff of server-side piston lag. Unbelievable. Please resolve this as soon as possible. Stickman561 out."

    That was a good one. He had me fooled.

  4. Slightly off topic, but one time a person came on CraftyMynes and advertised their Minecraft Server located at 192.168.X.X

    Still makes me laugh.

    (Don't get the joke? Look up "Private IP Address")

  5. I have seen this way too many times... also, the classic, "I'm going to open a lan, anyone want to join?", what don't you get about LAN (Local Area Network)

  6. Edited 8 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    @Kinkybobo If it had worked I would've immediately sought out a staff member and told them that this thing was around and someone was up to something... I wasn't actually trying to cheat in my mind...

    The first step should always be seeking a staff member, who would either attempt to get it to work themselves (admins and mod 3s) or would screenshot it and inform the admins(mod2 and lower). Not to try and work it yourself because it still would be a breach of the rules resulting in a permanant ban if you willfully and purposfully tried/succeded in duping an item, even if it was just curiosity. we are bound to enforce the rules no matter who is breaking them, or for whatever reason, if they do not have our permission to do so.

    And as such, over the life of CraftyMynes, we have banned VIP, VIP+, all types of staff members and even "famous" players who thought they "could just test something"

  7. @BaronBattleBread yup yup, I fully understand that. absolutely nobody is exempt from the rules, and they exist for a reason, no matter who you are if you're cheating, you get the boot. I just wanted to share the fact that for once I can relate to the accused and kinda feel bad for them. I can understand just wanting to see if a bug worked just for the sake of knowing if it works or not with no malicious motive intended. Re thinking it however, it would be simpler to just inform staff straight off and have them mess with it and ask about it later lol.

  8. @Kinkybobo @BaronBattleBread yup yup, I fully understand that. absolutely nobody is exempt from the rules, and they exist for a reason, no matter who you are if you're cheating, you get the boot. I just wanted to share the fact that for once I can relate to the accused and kinda feel bad for them. I can understand just wanting to see if a bug worked just for the sake of knowing if it works or not with no malicious motive intended. Re thinking it however, it would be simpler to just inform staff straight off and have them mess with it and ask about it later lol.

    They might also let you watch if you ask nicely

  9. @ardoasms They might also let you watch if you ask nicely

    hell yeah.. if it was something dangerous like that, you're going in first XD

  10. @BaronBattleBread hell yeah.. if it was something dangerous like that, you're going in first XD


  11. @Kinkybobo What AlwaysDrunkPunk did was out of line, there's no need for a player to test such things themselves on the server, they did not get appointed to do so by any staff therefore lacking any sort of permission to do so. Curious to see if such a thing works? try it on your sp world, who's to say he wouldn't have taken advantage of it or not? Not only that but before such actions you must consider the consequences failing to do so is all on them. In the end he attempted an exploit that would have given him a huge advantage over others,clearly knew and understood the rules yet continued to go ahead and attempt it. So somewhat of common sense but instead of just letting your "curiosity" take control really take into account what may happen.

  12. @GibsonAxe you're absolutely right, punk shouldn't have messed with anything, nor attempted to get any such device working for any reason whatsoever. Even more so about what his true intentions may have been. It's impossible to tell if it was just a lame sob story and he truly was trying to dupe items. Im not advocating his innocence, or protesting the actions taken against him, I didnt mean to make such a fuss, I just felt like saying for once, a ban appeal wasnt so cut and dry ridiculous and obvious for me, because I could understand forgoing common sense for a second just for the sake of seeing "if i can". its an immature personality quirk XD I do stupid crap like that in games all the time. getting out of maps and exploring secret areas, or finding hidden easter eggs, bugs, glitches, it all falls in together in my head. I can understand someone forgetting that the craftymynes server isnt the place for that kind of thing, Its easy to forget that it affects other people.

  13. "HI I was banned for chat violations a few months back my username was BlackCasper, and is now Donald_Trump_016

    I was no doubt in the wrong for the way I acted, and apologize. I was frustrated that day and disrespected the rules of the server, and for that I am sorry. I'd like another chance to show that I've learned my lesson, and can be a beneficiary to this server. Thank you to anyone who reads this and considers. I very much enjoyed playing on this server!"

  14. [deleted]

    20 May 2016
    Deleted 4 years ago by CraftyMyner
  15. Lol :D

  16. PigilyWigily May 8
    In Game Name: PigilyWigily
    Reason For My Ban: Abuse of powers.
    Why should I be unbanned: It has been a long, long time since I was banned and that means I have had a long time to think about my careless actions. A few people have came to me and said they missed me, in some ways I miss them. I had seen a picture that made me remember the good times on the server and I was regretting my decision. (I'll link the picture.) I am sorry about what I have done and I hope you will see it in your heart to forgive me.


    So I don't know who this is but from the replies that the staff left I would have to say this takes the cake on craziest ban apeals

  17. @Eberk91 PigilyWigily May 8
    In Game Name: PigilyWigily
    Reason For My Ban: Abuse of powers.
    Why should I be unbanned: It has been a long, long time since I was banned and that means I have had a long time to think about my careless actions. A few people have came to me and said they missed me, in some ways I miss them. I had seen a picture that made me remember the good times on the server and I was regretting my decision. (I'll link the picture.) I am sorry about what I have done and I hope you will see it in your heart to forgive me.


    So I don't know who this is but from the replies that the staff left I would have to say this takes the cake on craziest ban apeals

    I dunno, Flux's was pretty epic

  18. criaotic

    20 May 2016 Suspended

    @Eberk91 i remember the day that picture was taken (Im _Cat_Bug_ btw) shortly after i killed everyone lol.

  19. @ORCA_Gnome @Eberk91 i remember the day that picture was taken (Im _Cat_Bug_ btw) shortly after i killed everyone lol.

    haha lol
    no you didn't

  20. I find it funny that a lot of people who were permabanned for hacking 1+ years ago are starting to pop up and appeal

  21. criaotic

    20 May 2016 Suspended

    Lol mabz i dont remember you being there

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