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Nerdnation: Applications

  1. 6 years ago

    @DarthTr8r Thanks! We will get back to you in a few days!

  2. @HustL We will get back to you in a few days, thanks!

  3. IGN:



    16, mature enough


    02v #3709

    Approximate Time on CM:

    Couple of days, not sure, but I have months of experience on vanilla servers

    About Me:

    Love grinding for items and mostly spend my time mining or building

    Former Factions:


    Why Join NN?

    I am a big fan of you internet series on the server and I liked the scale of your builds, I believe I would be welcomed on a faction with such massive builds

    Why Should You Be Accepted?

    I can help the faction either mining or building, overall being a good member



  4. IGN: _Confederacy_
    Age: 14
    Discord: Dimitri Shostakovich#6996
    Approximate time on CM: 2 years of membership at CM, roughly 24.3055556 days of online activity. (ticks were rounded)
    About me: Not all my spare time is devoted to MC as you can see from the time played, I enjoy other things such as school and band.
    Former/Current factions: Pack Alliance (Deceased) Pack Alliance 2.0 (Deceased) Atlas Faction (Current)
    Why join NerdNation: I love the idea of a growing faction and would like to contribute to that growth.
    Why should I be accepted: I can be of great assistance, being here a while gives me resouces to utilize.
    Other: boopadoopdoop.

  5. @2tps Please make sure to read through the application thoroughly- you missed something near the bottom. Also, I'd suggest putting more effort into your application.

    @_Confederacy_ We'll get back to you in a few days, thanks!

  6. IGN: Czechmate
    Age/Maturity: um... it's trite but true, I'm 47, going on 2. I'm mature when called upon to be so... that is to say, when I have a duty to be so. The rest of the time I'm talking about banging someone's mom.
    Discord: Czechmate#0224
    Approximate Time on CM: Been playing on the server for a little over two weeks.
    About Me: I started playing MC because I was a new father and I knew that my children were going to be playing it endlessly. As a child of a programer in the 70's I was raised to really hack something apart and understand why programs worked. I am an original nerd. From the day's of "revenge of the nerds" and "porkies".. from the original Dungeon's and Dragon's blue basic book, I've played, or watched, or read anything that I can. I was weened on first run episodes of Star Trek.
    These are of course just generalities. I am a desparately honest individual, which probably makes me a liar, but I honestly only lie where necessary to save feelings or protect the innocent. I love multiplayer games. I love the interaction; meeting new and interesting people and learning from them. I live to teach, and try my best to pass on whatever I have learned to others so that everyone can enjoy these amazing creations that we make. To this end I served as an administrator to for many years, working on logic solutions and programming fixes. I quite enjoyed the work, but keeping up on Flash was a nightmare and that aspect of a program which I saw as going no where made the exercise tiresome.
    I am a husband to the love of my life... I am a father to the most interesting people I've ever come to know. Z is eight and inquisitive about minecraft but much more into research sciences like palentology. Lex is six and is a master lego builder at this point. It is astounding how OCD he is with regard to finishing a build he's started on. I work for an industrial gasses company, and quite enjoy the job and the people. I've been doing this for 22 years now.
    I'm a yankee, but with much love and sympathy for the south and the good parts of that culture, I also like the indy scene and get along well in Portland, Seatle, or New York. Honestly, I find it hard to go anywhere and not have a good time, if there are interesting people to meet and hopefuly good beer to drink. I get along pretty well with the old and young alike.
    I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of few. I am at home working with a router and a nice block of aged oak, or putting together a red stone contraption. I cook, I clean, I pay my taxes, (even if I think it's unconstitutional to ask me to)
    Lastly just to list off a few pros and or cons
    I like to read, canoe, camp, hike, drink GOOD beer, bbq or grill, and I try not to miss 420; I am overly empathetic to others, including those who I am not. I know that doesn't make sense, but I assure you it's true.
    Minecraft is complex and there are many things which I enjoy about it. Firstly I suppose would be just exploring topside or in mines. The game generates amazing constructs, and I am endlessly facinated by the scapes I see in game. When I'm bored of that, I work on a red stone contraption to save time, or to trap enemies. To this end I rarely work in creative mode. I prefer to have both the danger of random creeper explosions, and the need to aquire resources. When that bores me, I work on beautifying my house. I would say that this later aspect is my greatest weakness. Gather materials? I'll get you boxes full.. but make a good looking rock wall in MC and it seems to elude me. Could be my work is crap, or it could be that I'm my own worst critic. My favorite work in PVP is building traps for others to stumble upon. I'm hoping to build a rep on Craftymynes for exactly that. I like to sneak.. I like to spy.. I like to build traps.
    Former Factions: No former factions, but I served as an admin for years with Casual Mature Gamers CS:Go, and left in good standing.
    Why Join NN?: There are a number of good reasons but very simply.. you have a policy of raiding without greifing, and that is one of the first time's I've seen that in a faction. I synch very closely with this type of behavior. I want competition to exist to enhance the fun and danger, but I also hate to see people utterly demolished into a pile of smoking ash and fire. Builds are a personal thing, and when someone wrecks something that you have spent blood sweat and tears to build... well I just have a really good feeling about your attitude. In addition to that, I enjoy your kind of layed back attitude about the CraftyMynes server. Some people take this waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy to seriously. I like your touring of other active builds and other old destroyed builds. That is something that enhances everyone's time on the server, and costs you time to do. I can appreciate someone who feels that something like that is important enough to document.
    Why Should I Be Accepted?: because I'll love you long time? The above speaks for itself. I will not betray someone who has put their trust in me. I am stalwart in my affiliations. I think I'd be a good fit with the other members who I've seen in your videos so far. If they are an indication of the types of players you are recruiting, then I should be a good fit. I like to build, I like to redstone, I like to collect resources, and I'm looking for a team that can help me learn the finer arts of PvP and raiding. I'm honestly not very good at killing players yet. I'm fairly good in combat in my own games and I play on hard level.
    Mostly though... it's my name. You should have me just to have a Czechmate on your side. You never know when a czechmate will come in handy. Plus there's more to the name than just the obvious and I really only discuss that with friends.
    If you have no open slots at the moment, please feel free to keep my application on file for future use. I will probably be flying solo unless I can find another faction as good a fit as yours.

    There once was a man from Vanderloop,
    who for many months could not poop,
    I tell you no lie
    when I say he did die
    of a terrible boopadoopdoop

  7. IGN:
    13, very mature
    Approximate Time on CM:
    I joined in November about 2 weeks before the reset
    About Me:
    I usually like to spend my personal time either playing video games, watching youtube, or spending my time outside doing whatever.
    Former Factions:
    Strangers Company (still in it)
    Why Join NN?
    I've been getting a bit bored here on craftymynes with no current projects or events going on and i have also been seeking an active group to cure my boredom. I also like the peacefulness of the faction and its straight forward rules. I also feel that NN would be really fun to be a part of as a faction on CraftyMynes.
    Why Should You Be Accepted?
    I think i would be a great helper for the faction, i might not be all that good at PVP but i'm pretty good at building and redstone especially. I can also offer any building assistance, or maybe fund materials. I'm also really good at making mob farms, weather it be for XP, or just for mob drops, i can do it.
    Other: Sparklez is a nub confirmed boopadoopdoop.

  8. Also, the only other member that was interested in the base was 0ptimore, and in your video he tries to kill you and your teammates, also, HustL was only in our bases to see them, then he was inactive, while 0ptimore was active and adding to the bases.

  9. @NerdieBirdieYT oh whoops here
    IGN: Goofygirl313

    Age/Maturity: im 11 and pretty mature, at least my friend from school says I am.

    Discord: Goofygirl313 #6820.

    Approximate Time on CM: erm, i don't know like two months (sorry I know you said approximate time, I don't know how long that would be.)

    About Me: I'm a well a goofy girl, I like to role play in minecraft if I am on hypixel or something and when i'm on CM I like to get stuff done like sorting and building, and in IRL I like watching youtube videos, playing minecraft and drawing.

    Former Factions: I have not been in another factions

    Why Join NN? I would like to Join the Nerd Nation because I would like to help out, I saw what happened to your last base and I I would like to give an extra hand.

    Why Should You Be Accepted? I'm a good miner and recourse getter, I can play minecraft a lot now a days (i'm on summer break,) I try to be a good teammate and fair player (I dont Hack, Grief, or Cheat)

    Other: I can make friends easily, I don't know how to use cords so you can keep secret stuff safe with me boopadoopdoop. ( I remember this time)

  10. @goofygirl313 Expect to hear back from us within a few days. Thanks for applying!

  11. Cool, thanks @Blackened_Dawn . @Jimichu , your application will be reviewed! Expect a reply within 2-4 days. Thanks for applying!

  12. @NerdieBirdieYT Cool, thanks @Blackened_Dawn . @Jimichu , your application will be reviewed! Expect a reply within 2-4 days. Thanks for applying!

    thank you!

  13. @ButterChully Our requirement on time played is currently being discussed to get a number of ticks rather than months, as ticks are much more easily provable. Due to this, we will consider your application regardless.

    Thanks for applying! You should hear back within 2-3 days.

  14. IGN: Djscales101
    Gender: Male

    Maturity/age: My age is 12. I think i am pretty mature. I think I am mature because a lot of people tell me i am, i hang around with kids a couple years older than me, and i watch shows and video games that are pretty mature like call of duty.

    Discord: Koamoi#7746

    Approximate Time on CM: 6.5 million ticks.

    About me: My favorite part of mincraft is that the only limit is your imagination, also the fact that you can make familys of sheep:). In real life I like to play soccer, read, and play pokemon. I have 3 dogs and a Bearded Dragon, I like pizza and sushi. In mincraft I am pretty good at PvP, I like to explore, and i like to breed sheeps.

    Former Factions: I use to be in Conquest, I left because we realized that we weren't going any where. Our goals were to just hang around and mess around. The members were gminidog14, and Deadpoolpunisher.

    Why Join NN? I want to join NN because i want to be part of a large faction and I want to be part of NN because i want to be part of a faction that you are not faction mates but family. What I hope to achieve is to explore the world of craftymynes. The reason that i want to join you guys is like i said before you guys are not faction mates you are family and I Ike the fact that you guys don't grief.

    Why Should You Be Accepted? The reason i should be excepted is I am very active with the community, I like to share with my faction mates, people say I am likable, friendly, and funny. I have been playing for a long time not only on Craftymynes.

    Other: boopadoopdoop

  15. Dj scales you are being considered, please give us 2-3 days !

  16. @Djscales101 IGN: Djscales101
    Gender: Male

    Maturity/age: My age is 12. I think i am pretty mature. I think I am mature because a lot of people tell me i am, i hang around with kids a couple years older than me, and i watch shows and video games that are pretty mature like call of duty.

    Discord: Koamoi#7746

    Approximate Time on CM: 6.5 million ticks.

    About me: My favorite part of mincraft is that the only limit is your imagination, also the fact that you can make familys of sheep:). In real life I like to play soccer, read, and play pokemon. I have 3 dogs and a Bearded Dragon, I like pizza and sushi. In mincraft I am pretty good at PvP, I like to explore, and i like to breed sheeps.

    Former Factions: I use to be in Conquest, I left because we realized that we weren't going any where. Our goals were to just hang around and mess around. The members were gminidog14, and Deadpoolpunisher.

    Why Join NN? I want to join NN because i want to be part of a large faction and I want to be part of NN because i want to be part of a faction that you are not faction mates but family. What I hope to achieve is to explore the world of craftymynes. The reason that i want to join you guys is like i said before you guys are not faction mates you are family and I Ike the fact that you guys don't grief.

    Why Should You Be Accepted? The reason i should be excepted is I am very active with the community, I like to share with my faction mates, people say I am likable, friendly, and funny. I have been playing for a long time not only on Craftymynes.

    Other: boopadoopdoop

    i have 13 mil

  17. @TheSpiderman2013 You will be considered. Expect a reply within 2-3 days. Thanks for applying!

  18. Edited 6 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    IGN: DankerFan

    Gender: Male

    Discord: DankerFan#9841 (Already in the discord server)

    Approximate Time on CM: 600,000 Exception, Tubby asked Nerdie and Nerdie said it was ok

    About Me: I am DankerFan, I am Tubby's IRL friend and we hang out a lot at school and band. We have been friends for 3.5 years and I love to hang out with him. I play a lot of instruments irl and love to dedicate my time to things that pay off.

    Former Factions: None

    Why Join NN? I joined discord as a friend and I slowly came to like everyone there and what was going on, I decided that i would get MC and I have been helping Hijacked96 with some stuff that i could, I have also been talking to and getting to know everyone else that is there and I really like everyone

    Why Should You Be Accepted? I have done about 600000 ticks in three days and and in doing this i have got to hang out with HiJacked and cinder a little. I also have done some other stuff on the server but i am not going to disclose it on this because I probably should not post it on forums

    Other: I have been in 1 FamilyTuber video i was Known as bomb, I also have an enormous appitite. I know lots of jokes and occasionally have some of my own that i make up, In one semester tubby and I tried to make 1000 punns, we made the goal and i made approximetly 850 of them and lost my sanity in it as well, After extensive counsoling sessions i am now sane again and proud of it, if you ask me to make a pun i might and might Knot. I spelled that wrong yep. That is because i am also a Boy Scout and can tie tons of knots.

  19. @JuraraJupiter Accepted for being a birb <3


    Applications are currently closed. Updates on joining NN will be announced in the next few days.

  20. @Dennari43 @DoppyRex they have nothing else to gloat about. you gotta give them what little they have sometimes

    we have probably the closest bonded faction on the server, the most raids pulled off, the longest living active faction, most riches acquired, and we are the most skilled at pvp.

    but ya know, whatever makes you feel better lol, say we got nothing bucko

    @GrandpaCarl00 @SharpSerac lol but ya'll are just piggy-backing off your mole tho

    we didn't even get any of the riches because of our mole, we got that just because we're the best players on cm

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