I need some help

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    I have never even played on this server

  3. Someone compromised your account?

  4. Edited 7 years ago by HaloNest

    @JSN_ Someone compromised your account?

    let's pretend it was compromised.

    • option 1: bad luck, there are people who like to leak NASA, while others steal CM accounts
    • option 2: you entered in one of those websites for free alts or something and had to log in with password and username, that's actually a bad idea, only log in with MC credentials on minecraft.net and the more known mod launchers like twich.
    • option 3: a stranger tried to guess a random player's account
    • variant one: he ended up on your account and tried some basic passwords like 1234567890 and got it right.
    • variant two: an irl rival of yours who might know you well could've imagined the right password.

    - option 4: the earth is flat dinos never existed anonymous hacked your account

    what do you do?
    get on your minecraft launcher try to change your password in something harder to guess (at least 2 CAPS and 2 numbers; remember is not a man behind a schreen usually to try to hack an account rather a bot who throws out thousands of random passwords per hour, their weak point is that the passwords made by those bots are usually a mix of random numbers and letters, so try with some fancy pasword next time like UglyPassap0rt02 or something like that.
    if it doesnt work then click on the invoice "forgot password?" and hope the rogue hasn't replaced the email address with his own one and try to reset it.

    if those methods dont work, just tell me

    ps remember there are a lot of fake minecraft websites the ones I usually stay away from are:

    - its not a joke they do exist and are no good

  5. So I have never entered any of my info into a non mojang/Microsoft owned account, anyways I changed my password and stuff and I dont have any IRL friends that could have done this so idk what it could be, but I hope its alright now

  6. Is there anyway I could get the account off of this site? if you look up Flamingwaffles48 in the forums you will find his post about minecraft chunks and stuff

  7. I'm not quite sure I understand you.
    Can you clarify what is your Ingame name?

  8. @Flamingwaffles48

  9. My in game name is Flamingwaffles48

  10. Edited 7 years ago by HaloNest

    Did you change your IGN recentely
    Is the skin you have on this server the same you have in game?

  11. so,
    let's start from what we know for sure to be true.

    • you are not called FlamingWaffles48 in game.
    • you are called FlamingWaffles.
    • let me debunk the fact that there is no such player called FlamingWaffles48 who has your same skin, that makes the whole thing unusefully more sinister

    how do I know those things?
    - IGN finder facilities can be extrimely accurate at finding previous IGNs, pheraps there's a more precise facility which is never wrong and always updated, it is called Minecraft, really, try to type this (requires connection):

    /give @p minecraft:skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:"FlamingWaffles"}
    you can easily deduce you two havent got the same skin ;)
    some proof

    and here's a fact, if I'm called HaloNest, nobody can call himself HaloNest.

    t'was a nice one to debunkm nothing to be worried about anyway

  12. Edited 7 years ago by NutjobBob

    @HaloNest The icon on here is done purely based on the forum username, so if your forum username is Notch it will show the face of the Notch skin. That doesn't have anything to do with the actual minecraft username of whoever is posting.

    What he's saying is that his minecraft username is FlamingWaffles48, but for whatever reason someone previously created an account on the forums with that username meaning he can't have his minecraft username as his forum username.
    @FlamingWaffles No reason for you to lie, and I don't doubt you, but just be aware there is no way for us to tell what your minecraft username is and if it is actually FlamingWaffles48 as you say. If you feel the need to prove it post a screenshot of you saying "I like bananas!" in game chat.

    The real question is why someone else would decide to make a forum profile with the username FlamingWaffles48 if that wasn't their IGN...

    The real real question is how do we know if anyone on this forum is actually who they say they are. For all we know @Blackened_Dawn could be a 15 year old Italian kid and not the real Blackened_Dawn.
    Well...probably not :P

  13. Edited 7 years ago by HaloNest

    @NutjobBob @HaloNest The icon on here is done purely based on the forum username, so if your forum username is Notch it will show the face of the Notch skin. That doesn't have anything to do with the actual minecraft username of whoever is posting.

    R4 asked him his IGN, and looked it up...

    @R4iscool1 Can you clarify what is your Ingame name?

    @FlamingWaffles My in game name is Flamingwaffles48

    @NutjobBob What he's saying is that his minecraft username is FlamingWaffles48, but for whatever reason someone previously created an account on the forums with that username meaning he can't have his minecraft username as his forum username.

    but he has never played here, he discovered this forum while searching his IGN on the internet
    for the rest you exactly repeted what I wrote...

  14. Chill, guys. Not that serious, we'll look into this, no need to pull a Sherlock Holmes.

  15. @Blackened_Dawn Chill, guys. Not that serious, we'll look into this, no need to pull a Sherlock Holmes.


  16. I think you made the account Flamingwaffles48 about 6 months ago but forgot you made it and forgot you played in this server. You didn't know the password so you made a new account, if you pm me and I can verify that your in game name is Flamingwaffles48 I will change your name on the forums.

  17. Deleted 7 years ago by Flamingwaffles48
  18. https://ibb.co/cEf76a Check this picture

  19. Thanks for all the help btw

  20. All fixed!

  21. Thank you!

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