let's start from what we know for sure to be true.
- you are not called FlamingWaffles48 in game.
- you are called FlamingWaffles.
- let me debunk the fact that there is no such player called FlamingWaffles48 who has your same skin, that makes the whole thing unusefully more sinister
how do I know those things?
- IGN finder facilities can be extrimely accurate at finding previous IGNs, pheraps there's a more precise facility which is never wrong and always updated, it is called Minecraft, really, try to type this (requires connection):
/give @p minecraft:skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:"FlamingWaffles"}
you can easily deduce you two havent got the same skin ;)
some proof
and here's a fact, if I'm called HaloNest, nobody can call himself HaloNest.
t'was a nice one to debunkm nothing to be worried about anyway