Ink Center is Open!

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by JuraraJupiter

    Available for only 4 diamonds per stack, the Lovebirds are selling ink sacs!


    In addition to selling ink sacs, we are also selling:
    Smooth Stone at 1 dia/stack
    Andesite/Diorite/Granite at 1 dia/stack (3 dia/stack for polished)
    Sandstone at 2 dia/stack
    Any color of wool at 4 dia/stack

    Contact JuraraJupiter or CathyComet to buy!

  2. i need some ink


  4. I think your price might be a tad high. this is just my opinion. I was doing a large project and was too lazy to collect my own so i purchased some recentll. I believe I payed somewhere between 3 to 5 a stack. I know for more than that i would have got off my lazy ass and collected my own. So if you want some constructive criticism i would say lower your prices slightly and get tons of sale. At 3 a piece i would be a regular customer and if i bought in bulk for even cheaper i might take them all just to stockpile for future builds.

  5. I've heard from some people that prices can be higher than the 4 a stack I was charging before, but I've considered adjusting my prices. Incoming edit.

  6. I'd like to buy 5 stacks whenever you're on the server :) Thank you in advance

  7. @EnderConstructor I'm on right now, I'll be on for a bit this morning and I'm usually on after 8 or 10 pm EST, sometimes earlier.

  8. Alrighty ima be online most of the day today i think

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