team optic application

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    IGN: alarmgv12

    Diss-coords: alarmgv12#7024

    Why join: My faction is crap and I'm looking for a new home

    What I like doing: In Minecraft, I enjoy building n doing redstone, dropping random shitty jokes is part of my occupations as well. As for my real life, I enjoy programming, playing on CrafyMynes (no shit Sherlock :o) and playing the bass guitar :)

    Age: 16

    How long have I been playing?
    I've been playing for over half a year now on this cool server

    I have been a part of NerdNation, Anxiety, Strangers Company, team eye, towel-gang and Harvestar

    Get fuckin' rickrolled

  3. minesy

    1 Oct 2017 Suspended

    @alarmgv12 congrats your a official member of team optic!

  4. Yay team optic for the win, team eye can take an L

  5. You were never in Harvestar.

  6. I know, same for towel-gang and team eye, take that as a confession from me O team optic leader mineseyecraft

  7. I am the true messiah and leader of Harvester

  8. Do you also happen to be a very funny stand-up comedian?

  9. @GrandpaCarl00 I am the true messiah and leader of Harvester

    Can't even spell the name right lol

  10. Edited 7 years ago by j____a____r____d

    ign: deyahruhd

    concord: deyahruhd#9776

    why do i join: cuz im good at making clans popular and i can make team optic propular

    my hobbies: in minecraft I love to priase clans and in real life i love to praise minecraft clans

    age: 12

    how long ive been here: 2 years, proof

    clans i used to be in: i used to be part of team perception, team eyesight, nerdnation, team vision, harvestar, spawnmasons, vortex coalition, i used to be patron saint of Team eye, now im the informant of the masses for team eye

    get rickrolled

    (dum FUCKIN server software wont let me put emojis which made my application 20000 times worse, crafty please fix this now)

  11. Just to clarify for all those unaware - @deyahruhd has never been and will never be part of NerdNation. :)

  12. thought so :)

  13. minesy

    3 Oct 2017 Suspended

    @deyahruhd congrats you in team optic!

  14. @minesy @deyahruhd congrats you in team optic!

    COOL thank u! i will mae team optic the most popular faction on cm

  15. Isn't it already?

  16. minesy

    3 Oct 2017 Suspended

    i would think so but people still think its a meme but i am fine with it

  17. Edited 7 years ago by GrandpaCarl00


    exuse you i can spell it right!!

    also, i got a question that's quite pheelisopickle. if jesus was able to walk on water, does that mean he was able to swim on land?

  18. Idk ask him

  19. IGN : Retrochewy

    Discord: Retrochewy#8502

    Why join: My current faction is abandoned and I want to play with friends that I can trust

    Hobbies: Playing Minecraft and making things out of cardboard, I am also attempting the parkour

    Time played: A year

    Factions: Equipped, Taco Legion, Elites

    Other: I am good at building raiding and redstone.

    get rickrolled

  20. minesy

    4 Oct 2017 Suspended

    @Retrochewy you have been accepted!

  21. minesy

    4 Oct 2017 Suspended

    also i hope everyone knows this is a meme faction of sorts i do have a real faction foragers so if you want to check that out

  22. Newer ›

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