buying a creeper farm

  1. 7 years ago

    I am currently wanting to buy a pre-build creeper farm because i have no clue how to make one. i also have no idea how much one would cost.

  2. You could look up some tutorials rather than buying all these farms...

  3. Deleted 7 years ago by HaloNest
  4. minesy

    11 Aug 2017 Suspended

    acraft just go 89k out then wait for it to be night and there so many creepers

  5. But that requires effort!

  6. minesy

    11 Aug 2017 Suspended

    @acraft222 But that requires effort!


  7. @acraft222 But that requires effort!

    You can use the nether roof

  8. @NerdieBirdieYT You could look up some tutorials rather than buying all these farms...

    @acraft222 But that requires effort!

  9. Alright ill go out too 89k

  10. Edited 7 years ago by MisterReco

    @minesy acraft just go 89k out then wait for it to be night and there so many creepers

    The mob cap applies to the whole world, I've lived really far away and spawnrates are still shit, the problem isn't the lag, but that there are so many mobs (spread out among everyone)
    Any mobfarm on the overworld that doesn't use spawners is basically worthless.

  11. Next thread: Buying a cactus farm

  12. @iDogeTwinkie Thread after that: Hiring Someone to Walk Around for Me

    Lol, just kidding @acraft222 . But hiring someone for everything does take out the fun :P

  13. is there a way that i can make these server low spawn rates in a singleplayer world to test farms

  14. @ShadowHunter7_ is there a way that i can make these server low spawn rates in a singleplayer world to test farms

    You can use an spawner to get the exact amount of mobs you want to have a similar effect, but you need to have the spawner loaded for it to work.
    You should also consider that in singleplayer the mob cap is (I think) 70, while on multiplayer is a number dependant on the number of players and chunks loaded.

  15. @Jordi223b You should also consider that in singleplayer the mob cap is (I think) 70, while on multiplayer is a number dependant on the number of players and chunks loaded.

    It still depends on the number of chunks loaded so is effected by SP render distance. I think 70 is with whatever the default render distance is.

    @ShadowHunter7_ is there a way that i can make these server low spawn rates in a singleplayer world to test farms

    More less what @Jordi223b said, you need a hostile mob switch/peaceful mode switch with slightly fewer mobs in than the mob cap. Just put a bunch of withers in a box (or any other mob that doesn't despawn) and add to it until the spawn rates slow down to what you want.

  16. How many should i add for the server spawn rates

  17. @ShadowHunter7_ How many should i add for the server spawn rates

    You can tweak however you want to have the effects you want, but I'd put like 60 or so

  18. buy gunpowder from Team Eye Inc.

  19. @NerdieBirdieYT @iDogeTwinkie Thread after that: Hiring Someone to Walk Around for Me

    Lol, just kidding @acraft222 . But hiring someone for everything does take out the fun :P

    Hahaha yeah:P

  20. @iDogeTwinkie Next thread: Buying a cactus farm

    Buy it from me!

  21. Newer ›

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