1. ‹ Older
  2. 6 years ago

    @alarmgv12 and @Cileklim i don't see why you guys feel the need to troll on this guys post. This is why alot of auction post are messed up because of people trolling @alarmgv12 think you just sold a base would you have liked if you had people come in and make false bids i don't know if you did or not this needs to stop also the same thing happened to @OtherGreenGamer god set auction and its not cool

  3. I'm not trolling anyone. I'm here to buy some cobwebs.

  4. Ok

  5. Edited 6 years ago by Cileklim

    Are you selling it to me?

  6. i think alarm dont want the cobwebs anymore

  7. Cool, I'll get them when I see you online @MaggiAusDaKann

  8. alarm has a higher bit then you and he wants the cobwebs xD

  9. You know that he is trolling you, right?

  10. Deleted 6 years ago by alarmgv12
  11. he will buy them

  12. 25 diamonds

  13. @Cileklim @javonjw you know that I'm not trolling, I will actually buy them, I don't need them, just wanted to show to that @minesy dude it's not cool to be rude on other people's aucions, saying "nobody will buy this" well here you go. imagine if people on your post saying nobody will buy this, and it's not like you are not selling utter crap in your auctions either

  14. also, moving up the bid to 26 diamonds

  15. sry cileklim i deal with alarm i look to find new cobwebs

  16. @minesy lol no one going to buy that

    speaking without knowing's no fun

  17. minesy

    30 Aug 2017 Suspended

    why are people buying this stuff?

  18. what is the problem? people need it, people buy it, everyone could say the same things about your sales but it's not a nice thing to do

  19. minesy

    30 Aug 2017 Suspended

    @alarmgv12 what is the problem? people need it, people buy it, everyone could say the same things about your sales but it's not a nice thing to do

    cob webs are more useful then end grinder's and beacon's? okay

  20. whatever it is, people can find uses for it, it doesn't matter what it is, if someone has a use for cobweb, let him buy it

  21. @minesy cob webs are more useful then end grinder's and beacon's? okay

    if you dont need neither an end grinder and a beacon, then yes, it's relative

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