Green's 'Actual' Blacksmithery

  1. 7 years ago

    So I'd thought I'd show you peeps some of my work from my hobby. Yes, ironically, I do actually blacksmith in real life and not just in minecraft. Here's my most recent works:



    (For people that understand it, here are the specs;

    Blade material is W1
    Edge is convex, mostly for chopping stuff
    HRC 59 - 61
    Drop point blade
    550 paracord handle)



    (More specs:

    Blade material is W1
    Edge is scandi ground
    HRC 58 - 60
    The knife is a Japanese style Shirasaya Tanto. The handle is wood (not sure what kind, just grabbed whatever I could find) The seppa spacers and the habaki is copper. It's full tang. It is missing the mekugi pins because I couldn't drill through hardened tool steel and forgot to drill it beforehand lol)

    Hope you guys enjoyed seeing my work, hopefully you didn't think it was crap.


  2. Damn you aren’t only good in the game but in real life!

  3. But do you have a forge and anvil?

  4. @SharpSerac But do you have a forge and anvil?

    Yes to the forge and kind of to the anvil. I just use a thick mild steel plate as an anvil.

  5. Awesome hobby

  6. Hey, that's pretty good

  7. those are useless for stabbing people.. nick the bone and suddenly your hand is sliding down the sharp side XD

  8. @BaronBattleBread those are useless for stabbing people.. nick the bone and suddenly your hand is sliding down the sharp side XD

    This first, yea stabbing would be very bad idea lol. Say bye-bye to your fingers xD
    A tanto in this style however, was primarily for slashing, though the wood is left rough to catch a grip... which is a trade off cause it looks much worse than if I stained it. Gonna do a little shaping work with the handle though as well as fine tuning.

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