Why don't you make a rule that tells people to not bother making an appeal if they hacked?

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by _Haxington_

    99% of all the ban appeals are people who were banned for hacking who are asking to be pardoned.
    Just add some big text that tells them that no hackers will not be pardoned whatsoever. It will not only save time for the people making the appeal, but it will also save time for the staff who reads the appeals. (And it will also make the forum less cluttered)

  2. good idea

  3. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    Our policy on hacks Is made clear in the FAQ and other places I doubt adding another notice will convince people to read it or obey it.
    People are going to appeal and beg for mercy regardless, or try convince they are not hacking(Which in in very rare cases is true).
    Everyone believes they are special and will be pardoned, it's not that they aren't aware we don't pardon hackers.

  4. Yeah, saying that people banned for hacking cannot appeal would mean that those who were banned and legitimately were not hacking couldn't appeal. Since that obviously shouldn't be the case, people banned for hacking must be allowed to appeal, and, since people are people, illegitimate appeals will be made to "exploit the system", basically.

  5. Well if they legitimately weren't hacking, then in those cases they should make an appeal.

  6. @_Haxington_ Well if they legitimately weren't hacking, then in those cases they should make an appeal.

    I don’t think it would have any significant value added to say “only appeal if you’re innocent” other than sounding plain silly. If anything I’d think it would change the appeals to have everyone simply deny they were hacking, making an admin’s job that much harder by evaluating every single appeal. At least when a hacker admits to hacking, an admin gets an easy button for that appeal.

  7. @Valgys I don’t think it would have any significant value added to say “only appeal if you’re innocent” other than sounding plain silly. If anything I’d think it would change the appeals to have everyone simply deny they were hacking, making an admin’s job that much harder by evaluating every single appeal. At least when a hacker admits to hacking, an admin gets an easy button for that appeal.

    Precisely. You can't trust people to always appeal legitimately.

  8. Cause hackers dont read the rules anyway, obviously.

  9. You're forbidden to write in our forums because some dude said so sry bye

  10. The appeals are some of the most entertaining post on the forums

  11. @sknup The appeals are some of the most entertaining post on the forums

    I second that XD

  12. Crybaby hackers lol

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