Faction Anthems

  1. 7 years ago

    So I was listening to music and this thought came to my mind: What if every faction had their own song to reflect upon themselves similar to national anthems for countries? It's a thought that actually came to me multiple times before, just was too lazy to post it on the forums.

    What's your faction anthem? I'm curious to see what songs people choose to represent their faction.

    While I have no control over what every faction picks, I would like to see songs that aren't used as national anthems by other countries (or once existing countries) to give a more unique edge to a faction.

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HaloNest

    That wouldn't probably be in English

  3. hmm cool idea

  4. Team Eye's official anthem: Fuck Bron Bron

  5. James Harden the real deal

  6. Edited 7 years ago by TimeKing297

    Team optic theme 4 life

  7. @TimeKing297 xD

  8. Edited 7 years ago by Abbasilol

    link text Unofficial Strangers Company Anthem

  9. @Abbasilol it is the official

  10. @TimeKing297 Team optic theme 4 life

    Sry bro red army already laid claim to that one

  11. @TimeKing297 Team optic theme 4 life

    Ah, beauty

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