Humfry's Special Items for sale, music disc sets, elytras, shulker chests

  1. 7 years ago

    One of the more sought after items player tend to look for are music discs. But some don't want to go through the trouble to get the rarer ones from having a skeleton kill a creeper, or don't want to risk dying from doing so. SO I am offering up a complete record collection with a jukebox for 15DB


    Next up

    Custom Shulker Chests for 1DB each. you can choose from 16 different colors and I can name them if you want them named.


    Next up

    God Elytras with mending and unbreaking 3 for 5DB each and I will include 16 rockets with each purchase. These too I am happy to name if you like.

    Finally Gunpowder and rockets. Gunpowder Stacks for 4DB or 3 stacks of rockets for 4DB

    Do not forget to visit my store for all your other needs from concrete and terracotta to almost anything else I also have a small stock of slime balls for sale taking offers.

    link text

  2. So does anyone need anything at all? I also stock netherwart blocks and red nether brick. Soon I will be offering enchanted books just getting the villager thing going.

  3. Red netherbricks need about 10 shulkers full to start

  4. OK I will get right on it, I believe i have 2 already to go

    @sknup Red netherbricks need about 10 shulkers full to start

  5. some items still available

  6. @sknup Red netherbricks need about 10 shulkers full to start

    order ready

  7. Price

  8. can i buy the record collection like tomorrow

  9. I'll buy a god elytra

  10. I will be on soon to fill your orders and sknup i will hook you up like before.

    @Fingerbib can i buy the record collection like tomorrow

    @Cileklim I'll buy a god elytra

    @sknup Price

  11. Record Collection sold. I am running a sale on shulker chests so message me in game.

  12. 6 years ago

    5 dark grey sulker chests

  13. Edited 6 years ago by humfrydog

    @Arceus 5 dark grey sulker chests

    order ready

  14. Edited 6 years ago by Nestacdo

    I'll have two shulker chests.
    One dark blue or whatever (i'm bad with colors, sorry), third from the right, upper row.
    And the green one =P

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